
Archive for the ‘Anthropology’ Category

Los tuareg

Los Tuareg pertenecen al grupo étnico de los bereberes, este pueblo es trashumante y basa su economía a la ganadería. Tiene la organización social de un linaje segmentario, esto es, son un grupo de personas unidas por distintos linajes. Estos distintos linajes tienen dentro del mismo grupo unas posiciones a novel jerárquico distintas, dependiendo del tiempo que lleven dentro del grupo. A pesar que estos grupos exista la idea de clase social, no hay un gobierno centralizado. Para tomar las decisiones que atañen existe la posibilidad de formar un consejo tribal pero este tipo de grupos están liderados por una “Big men”, pero esta figura a la vez tiene unos poderes e influencia muy limitados. En estos clanes no hay manera de obligar a uno de sus miembros a acatar una decisión.

mujer con la cara pintada

mujer tipica de este pueblo nomada

  • La economía de estos grupos es plenamente trashumante, tienen distintos tipos de ganado que van desde ovejas y cabras hasta camellos, viven con los productos que obtienen de estos. Estos distintos productos (leche, carnes, pieles y cueros, queso…), son consumidos por los miembros del grupo a modo de subsistencia o son intercambiados por productos secundarios o por dinero en metálico con otros pueblos. Están especializados en la ganadería, por lo tanto no tienen otro modo de conseguir alimentos. Unidos a sus animales, esenciales para su supervivencia, estas familias están en constante movimiento para hallar nuevos pastos para sus cabezas de ganado. Nunca se quedan más de unos pocos meses en un mismo lugar, semanas en muchas ocasiones.
  • Dentro del grupo, hay distintas clases sociales y su influencia está muy diferenciada. Podemos observar cinco clases sociales muy marcadas; una aristocracia que mantiene el poder; sacerdotes que se ocupan de las ceremonias religiosas; trabajadores que se ocupan de los animales; artesanos que crean todas las herramientas necesarias y en el escalón más bajo, los esclavos negros.
  • El género y la edad son rasgos a tener en cuenta dentro del grupo para medir la influencia de casa uno, aunque practican la religión musulmana también son un pueblo matriarcal, por lo que las mujeres tienen gran influencia dentro del grupo. Dentro del hogar la mujer lleva las riendas de la familia y a la hora de repartir la herencia las mujeres son las que tienen prioridad sobre los hombres.
  • Pero la figura que posee más influencia dentro del grupo es el “big men”, este líder es el hombre más rico de la tribu, ya que posee el mayor número de cabezas de ganado. El utiliza este ganado para mantener a su extensa familia y repartir algo con los de la tribu. Este si quiere que algo se haga, tiene que dar ejemplo y utilizar la persuasión. Para tener influencia dentro de las decisiones solo puede dar consejos, nunca órdenes. Este tirulo no se puede heredar y el portador lo puede perder si su número de cabezas de ganado disminuye o la tribu así lo decide.
  • Las poblaciones de estas familias suelen ser muy reducidas, de unos 250-500 miembros. Suelen tener más animales que personas u estos grupos viven muy distanciados de los otros pueblos.



December 14, 2012 Leave a comment


Ondorengo blog honek Gorbeiako Parke Natural magiko eta liluragarriari buruzko informazio zabala eskaintzen du. Paradisu eder honek hainbat ekintza egiteko aukera ematen du eta gure helburua aukera horiek ondo kudeatzea eta jendea erakartzea da parkeari buruzko informazioa emanez.

Blog honetan gure estrategia garatzeko erreferentzia nagusia “Gorbeia Central Park” webgune edo blog ezaguna  izan da. Horretaz gain, esan beharra daukagu blog hau aurrera ateratzeko “Arratia Suzien” taldearen eta “Arratiako Mankomunitatearen” laguntza izan dugula.

Gorbeiako Parke Naturala Bizkaia eta Araba artean kokatzen da. Parke eder hau, Euskadiko parke natural handiena da 26.050 hektarea dituelarik eta bertako gailurrik garaiena Gorbeia mendia dugu 1481m-rekin. Aldamin 1375m eta Lekanda 1303m-rekin, dira beste gailur garrantzitsu batzuk.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Bizkaiko txoko maitagarri hau 1994.  urtean izendatu zuten parke natural bezala ez soilik bere balio naturalarengatik baita bere balio kulturalarengatik bertako herri txikiak kulturaren ondare dira, tradizio eta pentsaera zaharrak ederki mantendu dituzten herritarrez beteak: Bizkaia aldean kokatzen diren herriak Areatza, Zeanuri, Zeberio eta Orozko dira Araban aldiz Zigoitia, Zuia eta Urkabustaiz.

Parke natural honek balore sentimental eta ideologiko handia izateaz aparte aukera bikainak eskaintzen ditu, kirol ezberdinak egiteko aukera adibidez: trekking, eskalada, mountain-bike, espedeologia… herrietako janleku bikainak dastatzeko aukera; Gorostondo, Arratiano, , Axpe Goikoa… uda giroan herrietako jai giroan murgiltzeko aukera, animaliez gozatzeko aukera ….. familiarekin eguna pasatzeko aukera …. .

Lo egiteko leku anitz dituzu edozein herritan baita ingurukoetan ere; Arantza (Igorren),  Hotel Balneario Hesperia… (Areatzan) Hotel Etxegana ( Zeanuri)  eta horretaz gain herri hauek bisitatzeko aukera ederra, herri txikiak izan arren erakargarriak baitira.

Blog honek bere berriak eta ekintza ezberdinak Twitter eta Facebook bezalako sare sozialetan partekatuko ditu jendeak gure berri izan dezan.



Anon, GORBEIA SUZIEN. Available at:


Anon, GORBEIA CENTRAL PARK. Available at:

Maya Angelou

“Puede que tengas que enfrentarte a muchas derrotas pero nunca debes acabar derrotado”. The hard life of this African-American woman is summarized in this phrase.  She was born in St. Louis (Missouri) the 1928. Her childhood was full of hard times. Her brother and she had to live for a long time with her ​​grandmother because her parents’s divorce. The 10 years spent with her grandmother in Stamps (Arkansas) provided her the most of the materials she would use in her famous autobiography: I know why the caged bird sings. In the book describes what it meant to be a colored girl in the state of Arkansas in the decades of 30 and 40.

When she was 8 years old she was raped by her mother’s boyfriend. After revealing the name of the attacker, Angelou had to go through trials and later for the murder of the rapist caused by her uncles. So, she realized that her words had the power to kill and she spent 5 years in silence. Decades later, the writer said: “Escribo para recuperar la voz negra y para todos aquellos oidos que quieran oirla”. Later, during her adolescence she had a brief drop in prostitution and she also got into the drug world.

But her political activism and her commitment to literature enabled her to get out of this deep well. Over the 60 and 70 decades Angelou was involved in the struggle for civil rights of her people. On the other hand, she traveled to several African countries where she worked as editor of newspapers and collaborate on humanitarian projects.

In addition to his autobiography, Angelou is a great writer of poems, here goes a poem based on his book:


The free bird leaps

on the back of the win

and floats downstream

till the current ends

and dips his wings

in the orange sun rays

and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks

down his narrow cage

can seldom see through

his bars of rage

his wings are clipped and

his feet are tied

so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings

with fearful trill

of the things unknown

but longed for still

and is tune is heard

on the distant hillfor the caged bird

sings of freedom.

The free bird thinks of another breeze

an the trade winds soft through the sighing trees

and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn

and he names the sky his own.

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams

his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream

his wings are clipped and his feet are tied

so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings

with a fearful trill

of things unknown

but longed for still

and his tune is heard

on the distant hill

for the caged bird

sings of freedom.


Why do my hands function differently?

It is known that the most of people in the world are right-handed while only a minority are left-handed, but why does it happen? There have been made many investigations on this subject but no one knows exactly what is the reason of hand-laterality, they just propose theories about it, some of them very incredible.

One of the most incredible theories about hand-laterality is the one based on fighting. According to this theory and the evolutionary theory, left-handed people have not disappear because they are better fighters than right-handers. As there are more right-handed fighters they are used to fight against other right-handers, so left-handers have advantage in fighting because of the “surprise” factor (Chiu, par.3). But this theory is not credible since, according to the theory of evolution, the percentage of right-handers must have change and it has not.

Another incredible theory is an evolutionary theory about warriors and the position of their shield. This theory is based on the position of the heart. A right-handed warrior holds his shield with his left-hand so the heart is more protected than if he holds it with the right-hand, so the high number of left-handed deads would explain the high number of right-handed today (Kuriluk, par.3). This theory is not valuable because there has not been enough generations since the Bronze Age to make the difference and because the percentage of left-handedness has not change since the Neolithic (Raymond et al), where shields were not used.

The most credible theory seems to be the brain hemisphere division of labour theory even though it has some objections too. Both speaking and handiwork require fine motor skills. Normally, the left side of the brain controls the speaking, so the right side is free to control the handiwork. That is why most people are right-handed. According to this theory left-handers have a reversed brain division of labour. This is a very appropriate and credible theory but some left-handers use the right hemisphere to control the speaking, others use the left one and others use both, so this theory is only valid for some cases. (Holder par.4)

To sum up, nowadays there is not a definitive answer to know the differences between left and right-handers even though many different theories have been proposed.


El pueblo Bereber.

Los bereberes son un conjunto de etnias precedentes del Magreb, situado en el oeste del valle del Nilo (Egipto). el número de habalantes se encuentra calculado entre unos 55 y 70 millones, que se distribuyen en el norte de África, centrandose mayormente en los países de Argelia y Marruecos.El sobrenormbre “bereber”, fue el nombre de procedencia latina adjudicado a esta etnia por los conquistadores romanos, pero se hacen llamar a si mismos  imazighen, lo que en sui lengua significa “hombres libres”.

a Bereber WomanLa lengua Bereber es esencialmente de tradición oral, poseen desde hace alrededor de  2.500 años, su propio sistema de escritura llamado “libico-bereber” ( tifinagh en bereber). En la actualidad este alfabeto es utilizado por los Tuaregs. Este alfabeto se compone de el lenguaje latino con algunas modificaciones o el árabe, siendo el segundo el más utilizado.




Debido a su situación geográfica, las tribus bereberes han sido testigos de numerosos religiones que recorrieron la cuenca del Nilo desde la antigüedad. Desde 180 d.c., fueron testigos de la extensión del cristianismo, para más tarde en el siglo VII convertirse al Islam, la que ha sido su religion mayoritaria hasta el S. XXI. A partir de 1980 y debido a la represión  de los diversos movimientos bereberes ( conocidos como la primavera Bereber), se ha podido observar un giro en la conversión al protestantismo. Actualmente  la mayoría son seguidores de la doctrina del Islam, habiendo entre ellos grupos menores pero aún así de considerable importancia de judíos y cristianos.

La organización social de estos pueblos se distribuye básicamente entre agricultores y comerciantes, siendo los primeros pertenecientes a las clases bajas y los últimos los ciudadanos con poder. Era tradición que los grupos de agricultores pagasen un tributo a un jefe comerciante para obtener protección, pero con el paso del tiempo los agricultores fueron ganado riqueza a la vez que la importancia de las rutas coemrciales disminuía y con ello la importancia y riqueza de los comerciantes.

Mey Ling Núñez Barbeito.


*Bereber: localización, historia y costumbres de esta étnia africana. Ikuska libros.

* Bereberes. Wikipedia. 6 mayo 2012.

* Lengua y cultura Tamazight.

Genetic Genius

According to a recent study of the psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman, the best musicians are born, not made. Researchers at St Thomas’s in London claim that genes are responsible for up to 80 per cent of our ability to recognize pitch, the jey to musical success and  greatness. The discovery by the hospital’s Twin Research Unit, the largest of its kind in the world, accounts for the prevalence of musical families from the Bachs to the Corrs and the Strausses to the Jacksons. Read more…

El concepto de préstamo y otros términos interrelacionados

May 18, 2012 Leave a comment

El termino préstamo crea bastante polémica por su amplio y ambiguo significado, ya que como afirma Castillo Carballo (2006: 6) se suele utilizar para hacer referencia a cualquier elemento que surja como resultado de las relaciones interlingüísticas, con independencia de todas las puntualizaciones efectuadas. Del mismo modo, Gomez Capuz (2005: 9-10) señala que el concepto de préstamo resulta bastante ambiguo al ser un reflejo de los contactos entre las distintas sociedades y culturas, por lo que, al mismo tiempo, está relacionado con una multiplicidad de fenómenos como extranjerismo, calco, préstamo semántico, etc.

Sin embargo, otros autores como Louis Guilbert (1975: 92-93) usan el término extranjerismo para nombrar a las palabras procedentes de otras lenguas y distingue tres categorías por el grado de integración en la lengua: préstamos, xenismos y peregrinismos. El primero de ellos, estaría compuesto por extranjerismos que son plenamente aceptados por la sociedad, por lo que su uso se generaliza, y aparecen sin mayores problemas en los diccionarios de la lengua (jamón, guerra, tambor, izquierda). El uso de peregrinismos, por su parte, está generalizado entre los hablantes, pero estos siguen sintiéndolos como extranjeros, pero no tienen ningún problema para emplearlos ni para entenderlos (aftersun, crack, gay). Por último, los xenismos son aquellos que se mantienen como tales en la lengua, y los hablantes los tienen y reconocen fácilmente como extranjerismos (freak, reach, rider) (Alvar Ezquerra, 2005: 13).

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Jean Baudrillard, discouraging philosopher

“El simulacro no es lo que oculta la verdad. Es la verdad la que oculta que no hay verdad. El simulacro es verdadero”, Jean Baudrillard.

Jean Baudrillard was a French philosopher and sociologist who focused on the contemporary society. In his first book El sistema de los objetos (1968), he tried to apply the concepts of Ferdinand Saussure´s linguistics in Karl Marx´s political and economical theories, analysing the value of changes as significant and the value of use as significant. In that first book, he also analyses the indiference with which North Americans have constructed a new culture of transparence. Read more…

Turkey, the torn state.

The references taken for the wikipedia article have relation with Turkey, and more closely with the particular type of state that Turkey is, a Torn countrie.
This sources are very important because they all are very related with the concrete case of Turkey as a torn countrie. The objective is to explain why Turkey is a torn countrie,so, many sources have been chosen in order to contrast different point of views: Read more…

Ancient Egypt World

The more than 3000 year long history of Ancient Egypt has been divided into 8 or 9 periods, sometimes called Kingdoms. This division is based on the country’s unity and wealth and the power of the central government. The Ancient Egyptians seem to have developed the notion of dynasties throughout their history.

The ancient Egyptians thought of Egypt as being divided into two types of land, the ‘black land’ and the ‘red land’.

The ‘black land’ was the fertile land on the banks of the Nile. The ancient Egyptians used this land for growing their crops. The ‘red land’ was the barren desert that protected Egypt on two sides. This desert protected ancient Egypt from neighbouring countries and invading armies. It also provided the ancient Egyptians with a source for precious metals and stones.

The Egyptian life

Daily life in ancient Egypt revolved around the Nile and the fertile land along its banks.  The people of ancient Egypt built mudbrick homes in villages and i the country. They grew some of their own food and traded in the villages for the food and goods they could not produce. Most ancient Egyptians worked as field hands, farmers, craftsmen and scribes. A small group of people were nobles.

The Pharaoh

The most powerful person in ancient Egypt was the pharaoh. The pharaoh was the political and religious leader of the Egyptian people, holding the following titles: ‘Lord of the Two Lands’ and ‘High Priest of Every Temple’.

As ‘Lord of the Two Lands’ the pharaoh was the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. He owned all of the land, made laws, collected taxes, and defended Egypt against foreigners. As ‘High Priest of Every Temple’, the pharaoh represented the gods on Earth. He performed rituals and built temples to honour the gods.

Many pharaohs went to war when their land was threatened or when they wanted to control foreign lands. If the pharaoh won the battle, the conquered people had to recognise the Egyptian pharaoh as their ruler and offer him the finest and most valuable goods from their land.

The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians believed in many different gods and goddesses. Each one of these gods and goddesses played it own role to maintain peace and harmony across the land.

Some gods and goddesses took part in creation, some brought the flood every year, some offered protection, and some took care of people after they died. Others were either local gods who represented towns, or minor gods who represented plants or animals.

The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to recognise and worship these gods and goddesses so that life continued smoothly.

The Pyramids and Temples

As everybody knows, egyptians used to built pyramids as tombs for their pharaohs and their queens.

The pharaohs were buried in pyramids since before the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. There are about eighty pyramids known today from ancient Egypt. The three largest are located  at Giza. The most well-known of these pyramids was built for the pharaoh Khufu. It is known as the ‘Great Pyramid’.

Egyptian temples were built for the official worship of the gods and commemoration of the pharaohs. Temples were seen as houses for the gods  to whom they were dedicated. In them, the Egyptians performed a variety of rituals: giving offerings to the gods, reenacting their mythological interactions through festivals, and warding off the forces of chaos. These rituals were necessary for the gods to continue to uphold maat, the divine order of the universe. pharaohs delegated their ritual duties to a host of priests, and most of the populace was excluded from direct participation in ceremonies and forbidden to enter a temple’s most sacred areas. In conclussion, a temple was an important religious site for all classes of Egyptians, who went there to pray, give offerings, and seek oracular guidance from the god dwelling within. 

Egyptian Writting

To end with this tour for the most important points of the Egyptian world, I would like to speak about their writting.  It is one of the most ancient and complex of the world.

The invention of the writing towards 3000 B.C. determines the beginning of the Egyptian history more than any other change. The possibility of reading and writing make the difference between the principal cultures of the Near East and the contemporary cultures, opening new possibilities. The writing was complex and the aptitude to read and write was remaining limited to a minority, up to the diffusion of the alphabetical writing, the society could not exploit the whole potential that the writing supposed.

Along the Egyptian history, three types of writing were developed:
The hieroglyphic or hieroglyphic monumental, used in inscriptions of monuments and decorations. It is the most ancient and more complex type of writing and was used since 3100 B.C. It was a type of sacred, so called writing ” writing of the god’s word “, and as a sacred writting,  it was using in sarchofagi, tombs, monuments and sculptures, and was represented with great details. it could be written in any sense (except bottom up) and in lines or columns.

The Hieratic: It arose as brief writing of the hieroglyphic cursive one and it was the writing used by scribes (that were not forced to know the hieroglyphic one) and for the priests in literary copies.

The hieroglyphic cursive one disappeared concerning 1000 B.C. whereas the hieratic was in use in religious texts up to ends of the Egyptian civilization. Also it was using in scientific texts and literary works. It was a type of very useful writing in papyruses and ostracas. It was written in black ink with a sharp cane and the red ink was using as rebearing of certain paragraphs.

Mey Ling Núñez. 19/03/2012



Jose Mari Esparza Zabalegi: Mapas para una nación

Jose Mari Esparza Zabalegik argitaratutako Mapas para una nación liburuan Euskal Herriko kartografiari buruzko informazio handia eta zehatza aurki dezakegu.

Nazioak sortzen duten alkimia zeharo konplexua da. Bakoitzaren osagaiak herri batzuetatik bestera aldatzen dira, baita garai batetik bestera ere, nahiz eta elementu komun eta basikoak egon. Hizkuntza adibidez, euskaldunen nazioko nahitaezko euskarria izan da, hala nola, beren kultura, sinesteak, legislazioa eta konstituzio politikoak. Lurraldea ere nazio bat antzemateko pisusko osagarria da eta honek bere burua antzematen du.

Euskal Herriak, erromatar, godo, franko eta arabiarren asimilazio saiakuntzak jasan eta gainditu ditu. Mendeak daramatza Espainia eta Frantziako proiektu hegemonistei aurre egiten, beren autoritatea inposatu zutenetik eta gure lurraldea haien perimetro eta alegiazko nazio barruan sartu zutenetik. Read more…

Oriental Music and the 60s

December 16, 2011 4 comments

George Harrison and Ravi ShankarAs Hugh Gregory (1999) stresses, in the 60s, American society turned its head to the East, to discover new ways of thinking, of understanding life and of living it. It was the perfect complement for the hippie movement: a thousand-year-old phylosophy with great ideas about physical and mental peace, as Ricardo Ribera (2003) reminds us. Thus, young hippies began to practice yoga, to convert into Hinduism and, of course, to listen to Hindi music. This last one, became more and more popular among youngsters, and singers, such as George Harrison, member of the Beatles, mentalized that different type of music. Music made by Ravi Shankar was the greatest influence of Oriental Music for the hippie music. Gregory (1999) states that now, a new music genre came on scene: the Psychedelic music, as the interest about oriental music was closely associated with the supposed spiritual “benefits” of the LSDthe drug on fashion at that time.

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Amin Maalouf: Identidades asesinas

December 11, 2011 Leave a comment

Horrela mintzatzen da Amin Maalouf, idazle eta filisofo libanoarra, bere identitateri buruz Identidades Asesinasen, 1998. urtean argitaratutako liburua. Liburu honek bakoitzaren identitatea bakarra dela argi uzten du, bakoitzak bere sustraiak, erlijioa, hizkuntza… duela. Bere identitatearen definizioa besteengandik ezberdin egiten nauena da. Geure identitateak ez gaitu soilik ezberdintzen, lotzen gaitu ere. Geure hizkuntzak milioi bat pertsonara lotzen gaitu, eta erligioak milioietara. Read more…

Ruth Lea: Dos formas de entender el multiculturalismo

December 10, 2011 11 comments


Ruth Lea afirma que hay dos formas de entender el multiculturalismo

The first one is the more common way and that is every culture has the right to exist and there is no over-arching thread that holds them together.

That is the multiculturalism we think is so destructive because there’s no thread to hold society together. It is that multiculturalism that Trevor Phillips has condemned and, of course, we are totally supportive.

There is another way to define multiculturalism which I would call diversity where people have their own cultural beliefs and they happily coexist.

And that is clearly what I would support because you do accept that people have different cultures and you accept them.

It a positive acceptance not a negative tolerance.

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Pierre Lévy: talde jakintza

Pierre Lévy-k dioenez, informazio eta komunikazio teknologia berriek aukera handiak eskaintzen dituzte gizabanakoen ezberdinataz¡sunen  (osasuna, ekonomia, politika…) murrizketan, edonork eskuratu nahi duen edozein motatako informazioa erraztaraziz. Erronkarik nagusiena, teknologia hauek nola gehitu eta menperatzea da; beti ere, potentzial hau burutu eta ezberdintasunak handitzen ez diren bitartean. Read more…

Collective intelligence and shared memory in internet may help improving intercultural relations

December 7, 2011 1 comment

The concept of collective intelligence emerged in the late 1990 from the work of theorist as Pierre LévyDouglas HofstadterPeter RussellTom AtleeHoward Bloom and others. This idea comes from the cooperation of individuals from one species. This kind of intelligence refers to sociology, business and computer science.  Read more…

El individuo y la masa

November 28, 2011 2 comments

“Las masas humanas más peligrosas son aquellas en cuyas venas ha sido inyectado el veneno del miedo…. del miedo al cambio.”    Octavio Paz

El psiquiatra austriaco Viktor Frankl publicó en 1946 Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager,  obra más conocida como El hombre en busca de sentido. En ella, el autor narra las experiencias vividas como prisionero de guerra durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Viktor Frankl ahonda en la búsqueda del sentido de la vida en situaciones límite. Argumenta que en situaciones límite como la vivida por él mismo siendo preso en un campo de concentración, al verse privada y aplastada la libertad individual, el ser humano se limita a la propia defensa y olvida todo su hostil entorno, que únicamente le da la espalda. Por lo tanto, es el individuo, enclaustrado, solo y desnudo el que se muestra en situaciones en las que no se garantizan los derechos humanos. Read more…

Our thought, dissipated by the way?

I do not intend to prove that the Net is “bad” for our health nor forecast a “dark future” for the Human Race. Far from it, my intention is merely to provide you with some interesting arguments for and against collective intelligence, for which Jean-François Noubel (2004) claimed to be neither a new concept nor a discovery.  Read more…

Identitate erreala eta amestutako identitatea?

Fernando Polorekin internet jada zeharo barneratuta daukagun gauza dela esan dezakegu eta horregatik ez zaigu arraro egiten etxeetan interneteko zerbitzua izatea. Are gehiago, XX. mendearen amaieran interneta nola erabiltzen irakasten hasi ziren ikastetxeetan, honi esker, gehiengoak behintzat, oinarrizko ezagutza badu. Mementu honetan arrakasta eta pisu handia izaten ari diren web orriak sare sozialenak dira, nekez topatuko dugu sare sozial baten partaide ez den norbait.

“Ya no buscamos las noticias, ellas nos encuentran” Eric Qualmann, Socialconmics-en egilea.

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Benaiges Fustéren zoriontasuna eta plazerra

“La vida feliz y dichosa es el objeto único de toda la filosofía” esan zuen Cicerón handiak. Bada, Benaiges Fusté-ren hitzetan, denok hainbeste aldiz entzun dugun, eta bizitza eta filosofiaren kontzeptuak batuz sortu den “bizi filosofia” edo gazteleraz, “filosofía de vida” termino berria ere, plazerrean eta poztasunean oinarritzen da; “Hay que tener un estilo de vida y forma de ver la vida muy pulida, real y satisfactoria, tanto para nosotros mismos como para los demás. Hay algunos aspectos que matan la vida de la persona y lo más triste de una vida es no saber aprovecharla. Hay que aprovechar cada instante, cada segundo de tu vida y disfrutarla al máximo. Tienes que hacer cada instante lo que te gusta, tampoco es vivir como si fuera el último día de tu vida, pero por lo menos hacer lo que te apetece. Trabajar para en un futuro vivir cada día como si fuera el último” dio idazleak.

Vivir la vida de forma placentera es muy importante, Domenec Benaiges Fusté.

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