
Posts Tagged ‘WCP’

Virtual diagnosis of Nacho Vigalondo

In a recent interview, Nacho Vigalondo was asked about his ability to promote himself and to move through the Internet. He answered with tranquility: “Internet es un medio inevitable, más que una opción que hayamos cogido los realizadores de mi generación” [1]. He shows, indeed, great dexterity in his managering of his virtual identity; an inborn skill. However, this method of boosting one’s self has its advantages and disadvantages. Vigalondo has always squeezed its positive opportunities, but now those possibilities have become double-edged sword.

My Web Communication report is a virtual diagnosis of the way Nacho Vigalondo has faced a unique ailment: a revision of his virtual history, the symtoms and causes of his cybernetic desease and the results of such pathology. Read more…

Simone Simons en la red

November 25, 2011 Leave a comment

Simone Simons usa  las redes sociales para comunicarse con sus fans, analizando especialmente Twitter y Youtube.

Simone a parte de ser conocida por el mundo de la música tambien cuenta con muchos seguidores de sus redes sociales,en twitter por ejemplo la cifra de seguidores asciende a 37.002.

El lugar mas actualizado entre las redes sociales de Simone Simons es Twitter,el cual suele actualizar constantemente relatando para sus fans ciertos acontecimientos de su vida privada y comentando tanto donde se encuentra el grupo tocando como curiosidades ocurridas durante los conciertos con su grupo.

Unos ejemplos sobre los tweets de Simone:

SimoneSimons Simone Simons

The fans in Guatemala were amazing! I am still not back to my old self yet. Getting better, slowly. “

Sobre su vida privada:

SimoneSimons Simone Simons

Banana nutella toast for breakfast.
Tweet sobre novedades del grupo:
SimoneSimonsSimone Simons
Last day of recording the main vocals. Next week recording the lead for the choirs.

Simone tambien cuenta con un blog, que suele actualizar constantemente con fotos y post.La cantante suele actualizar constantemente con post sobre su vida contando a los lectores en que lugar se encuentra y añadiendo fotos sobre el lugar,pero tambien suele dar consejos sobre maquillaje y moda a las lectoras nombrando cual es el maquillaje que ha usado ese dia y explicando que efecto tiene,y putualmente sube fotos solo de maquillaje. Tambien cada vez que llega a mil usuarios mas suele hacer un post especial para agradecer este hecho.

Expongo un ejemplo de post de Simone:

“Hello everybody,
Before the American tour started, Oliver and I took some time to visit Castle Solitude in Stuttgart.
It was a hot day, so the fan that I took with me that day came in handy.
The dress that I’m wearing is from Warehouse and the handbag from Picard.”

Finalmente, añadir un video de la cantante desde Youtube, en el que se puede ver a Simone Simons cantando la famosa canción “Memory” del musical “Cats”

From rejection to a wide social network trap: Noel Gallagher’s case

November 13, 2011 Leave a comment

The British musician Noel Gallagher is not fond of virtual worlds. This statement could already be done while he was still in Oasis, after hearing him say that he had never used a computer. But as every businessman he is aware that nowadays, the net is the way to keep going his projects, in this case his two recent albums. Some months ago, due to the presentation of his first solo album “High Flying Birds”, he developed a complete web communication plan, maintained by his employees at this record company Sour Smash Records.

In his own marketing promotion we find that he has not only have an own webpage, but he also has a Facebook account, a Twitter account, some Youtube accounts, some blogs and a Myspace account. Taking into account a interview with Britain’s Daily Mirror, where Noel gives his opinion of the use of social networks by celebrities, it can be stated that the development of his plan supposed is not his cup of tea:

“I think in this age of information, there is just too much out there. People talk too much, you know, people ‘Tweeting’, ‘On the way to our first recording session, wearing a green jacket and red shoes, it’s going to be great, album due out’, and it’s like, ‘Don’t tell me that.This is the world in which we live unfortunately. But, to me, magic is always better than anything. The not knowing and the anticipation of what you don’t know is just incredible. It must be better than knowing everything about everybody.

Noel Gallagher

As the blogger Adriaan Pienaar sugest on his “Growing My Audience” post, Mr Gallagher uploads almost every day his different sites, just to be more close to his fans, inform them about his new CD’s novelties and further gigs. Pictures of his shows and public engagements or videos are also uploaded every days in his Facebook accounts. Characterized for his sharp tongue, the guitarist of the worldwide-know music rock band Oasis, this time he  has decided to treat this new ways of communication courteously.

Together with the anouncement of this web communication plan, Noel Gallagher announced that he had recorded two studio albums , one released the 17th of October and called High Flying Birds, and the other one will be released next year, counting on with the colaboration of  Anonymous Androgynous. We’ll have to wait for this second plan, meanwhile we can enjoy of his live performances around Europe or take a look into any of the social networks mentioned before.

Noel Gallagher’s sites:
