
Posts Tagged ‘Digital identity’

Marka pertsonalen sortze eta kudeaketa egokia sarean

December 18, 2011 Leave a comment

Personal branding, by definition, is the process by which we market ourselves to others” Dio Dan Schawbel personal brandingean aditua denak.

Bizitzen ari garen sare sozialen boom honetan hainbat termino berrira egokitu beharrean aurkitzen gara, eta marka pertsonala ere, bete-betean kokatzen da termino horien artean. Dan Schawbelek hausnartu bezala, gure marka pertsonala sortu eta kudeatzea oso gomendagarria da. Izan ere, Marka izenez ezagutzen duguna, laster lotu daiteke produktuetara, objetuetara. Eta pertsonak? Gaur egun argi dago pertsona batzuen eta beraiek saltzen dituzten produktuen arteko lotura. Zentzu horretan aditu honek hausnartu bezala, asko izango dira pertsonen markak famatuekin soilik lotzen dituztenak, baina errealitea uste horretatik urrun dago,

Many people think that personal branding is just for celebrities such as Paris Hilton or Britney Spears, yet each and every one of us is a brand” dio Dan Schawbelek, duda izpirik gabe.

Guk ere badaukagu gure marka pertsonala eta hori argi geratzen da sarean eta sare sozialetan, hartara, gure marka hori babestu eta zaindu beharko genuke, edonork gure informazioa bilatu nahiez gero bere aurrean gure identitate propioa izan eta mantentzeko.

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El Intermedio: a fashionable TV program in the Net

December 16, 2011 1 comment

The television program El Intermedio has an account in Facebook and  another one in Twitter, owning also a web page and a blog. But what else do we know about them? Do we know something about their digital identity? Do they know how to manage a digital reputation? The report “Web Communication Plan on El Intermedio” analyzes those and many other aspects about the well-known TV program. Read more…

Facing problematic aspects of digital identity

Stephen Wilson puts digital identity under the microscope and wonders why digital identity turns out to be such a hard problem. In fact,  people are social animals with deep seated intuitions and conventions around identity, but exercising our identities online has been hugely problematic. In response to cyber fraud and the password plague, there has been a near universal acceptance of the idea of Federated Identity. All federated identity models start with the intuitively appealing premise that if an individual has already been identified by one service provider, then that identification should be made available to other services, to save time, streamline registration, reduce costs, and open up new business channels. It’s a potent mix of supposed benefits, and yet strangely unachievable. Read more…

Chased by (virtual) strangers

Humans have been paranoic about being chased by a stranger for a while. But it got worse since the internet was invented (you don’t even have to be “physically” chased!). And what is even worse, nowadays, there is no need to be involved in any kind of secret organization or to belong to the upper echelons of society to be pursuing someone. Unfortunately, this paranoic ideas go together with some other problems such as the reputation or the image others get from us in the net.

This interesting topics have of course been investigated and analyzed by several experts whose opinion and articles will be taken into account so as to get a whole vision about it.

We will start by quoting a phrase written by Dave Birch: Read more…

How social networks may influence our digital identities

November 30, 2011 2 comments

Do you ever think how social networks influence our lifes? There are plenty of issues related to the activity of this kind of networks, as for example the nature of our digital identities. These identities are influenced by the workstyle of social networks. Tomás Delclós shows how some companies use them to promote their products or share information by means of their personal accounts.

Sharing personal information on the internet contributes to create digital identities, that is to say, digital identities are shaped by the information that the internet has about us. For instance, when somebody uploads a photograph where some faces appear, this faces are developing a part of the identities of these people on the internet. Read more…

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Ahanztura digitala

November 28, 2011 Leave a comment

Interneten eskuragarri ditugun sare sozialen zerrenda oso zabala da. Hala ere, dena ez da arrosa kolorekoa sare sozialen inguruan. Erabiltzaile ororen informazio eta datuak enpresa pribatuek nahierara kudeatu ditzakete. Kasu gehienetan ezjakintasun maila oso handia da eta ez gara jabetzen sare sozialetan izena emateak ekar ditzakeen arriskuez. Hain da handia sare sozialekiko menpekotasuna, batez ere gazteengan, ezen bi nortasun ezberdin eta paralelo izatera iritsi garela: lurtarra eta digitala. Pertsona bat hiltzen denean, zer gertatzen da honen sare sozialetako datuekin? Izan ere Interneten memoria mugagabea da. Gorka Bereziartuaren aburuz badago alternatibarik: ahanztura digitala. Read more…

Risks of digital identity in social networks

November 27, 2011 Leave a comment

 Digital identity is the aspect of digital technology that is concerned with the mediation of people’s experience of their own identity and the identity of other people and things. Digital identity also has another common usage as the digital representation of a “set of claims made by one digital subject about itself or another digital subject” (Kim Cameron). Summarizing, it is all our footprints on internet. However, nowadays it is becoming very difficult to control our Digital Identity because of social networks. In spite of being  socializing tools, they are becoming important focus of danger.

According to Jerri Ledford there are five areas we should be especially cautious about when we are creating our digital identity: Read more…

Zer dira sare sozialak eta identitate digitala?

November 25, 2011 Leave a comment

Sare sozialak entzun eta internet etortzen zaigu gogora gehienoi, baina sare sozialak internet baino lehen ere bazeudela dio Gorka Juliok. Bere hitzetan:

Sare sozialak harreman sozialen sareak dira eta harreman horietan lotura gogorrak eta lotura arinak bereizten dira. Lotura gogorrak lagunekin, familiakoekin… garatzen ditugu eta arinak aldiz informazioa garraiatu edo komunikazio ekintza bat garatzeko baliatzen ditugu.

Hemen erantsi dut Gorka Julioren esteka:  Gorkak web garapena, tresna sozialak, sare sozialak, mugikortasuna, e-irakaskuntzak izan ditu lan lerro nagusienak.

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Digital identity and risks

November 25, 2011 Leave a comment

 Joachim Klewes and  Robert Wreschniok claim digital identity and reputation management consists of monitoring and analyzing of the online reputation for a brand or individual as represented by all media types across the Social Web. Your reputation reflects how trustworthy your brand is. Managing your online reputation starts with a transparent Digital Identity that enables you to earn trust and build connections. Anonymity is no longer an option for those trying to create Social Capital in the networked world.

Having a digital identity can be very useful for people because this allows them to publish information about themselves or their business in order to improve their reputation, increasing the benefits in some companies, etc. However, digital identity can be very dangerous too. People can thieve your identity and many times you can find yourself in a big trouble. To make it clear, in the following paragraphs I am going to explain the concept of digital identity and some risks it may involve. Read more…

Solove and Shainberg on the risks of our digital Identities

November 20, 2011 Leave a comment

J. Solove or Gary Shainberg claim that the visibility, reputation and privacy on the Internet become key issues to the effective management of digital identity. The ability to manage a virtual identity is not instrumental, but is related to the learning  and immersion in digital culture; required for the citizen who lives in the network society.

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