
Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’

The Voice

December 11, 2012 Leave a comment

‘The voice’ is a talent show which began in Holland and was later copied in United Kingdom and United States, and that finally has come to Spain with an incredible success of viewers.

“The program” The voice “was devised by John de Mol, creator of Big Brother, and it differs from other shows of singing talent because only will evaluate the potential of voice without giving importance to the physical appearance of the participants. The contest is divided into different phases: “auditions blindly”, battles and finally, the live performances. The objective of this program is to try to find the best voice in our country.

On the other hand, the jury, formed by four coaches, professional of music, David Bisbal, Rosario Flores, Malu and Melendi, they hear the aspirants backs, only hearing his voice. If they like them, they will give back to their chairs. When a majority of judges is turned, the applicant or applicants pass to the next phase.

The Voice is a very popular program where the public take part to elect the new voice of the country. In society, where we are, new technologies and social networks are essential, is obvious to use them for the benefit of the program to improve the dissemination and thereby increase the audience. The important thing when using these means is to facilitate its dissemination and accessibility for users to enjoy the performances of the contestants; and that have been made with social networks, where there may be all kinds of applications that promote the diffusion of the contents in The Voice. The best social networks are Twitter and Facebook. But also used YouTube where crashing performances, that allows a follow-up in the network of what occurs during the program.


Privacidad de las redes sociales

June 21, 2012 Leave a comment

¿Cuales son las redes sociales mas usadas por los jovenes en España? ¿Alguno detiene a leer sus terminos de privacidad?.Estas redes sociales son Facebook, Twitter y Tuenti que iré analizando a lo largo del post una a una y cuales son los terminos de privacidad en especial en caso de querer cerrar la cuenta si los datos son borrados o no.

Primero comenzaré hablando de la privacidad de Facebook,que a lo largo de los años ha ido cambiando poco a poco para mejorarla,también a causa de las quejas por parte de los usuarios sobre ciertos asuntos de la privacidad y por parte de el regulador estadounidense de protección del consumido con el que ha pactado ciertos cambios que serán revisados.

Una de las mejoras que se han obtenido es que los contenidos que se muestran en el perfil personal ahora tienen la opción de elegir el usuario a quien quiere mostrarselo o con quien quiere compartir esos datos privados; no todos pueden ver sus fotos y tus actualizaciones.

Pero también Facebook y su privacidad tienen ciertos motivos que ponen en entredicho su política de privacidad,como que los anunciantes de Facebook ponen sus anuncios seleccionando una clase de gente (Mujer,Española,18-24 años) lo que agrede a tu privacidad ya que el anunciante accede a información personal como tu edad,lugar de procendencia y sexo.

En cuanto a la privacidad de Tuenti,resulta mas difícil de acceder a ella ya que donde marca política de privacidad la información es escasa y para poder acceder a la política real del usuario hay que entrar en el apartado “condiciones de usuario” por lo que es bastante difícil de encontrar.

Twitter,una de las redes sociales mas útilizadas actualmente por el público tanto joven como adulto,mantiene su politica de privacidad visible.Es muy sencilla de encontrar para informarte ya que desde la misma página principal la tienen expuesta e incluso la puedes ver sin tener que tener una cuenta en la red social.Twitter actualmente gracias a su configuración da muchas opciones para poder mantener tu cuenta protegida ante otros usuarios.Pero también avisa de que algunos datos si que los guarda Twitter.

Sare sozialen eta identitate birtualen aniztasuna

December 20, 2011 Leave a comment

Kateryna Andriyenco el Levante blogean sare sozialei buruz mintzatu da. Sare sozialekin egondako eztanbaidarekin eta erabiltzaileek sortutako mamiagatik, gaur egun normala da erabiltzaile batek atari edota sare sozial desberdinetan  kontu bat sortzea, non hornitzaileak anitzak diren, oso. Parte hartzen den sistema horietan, erabiltzaileak identitate birtuala bat sortu behar du (erabiltzaile eta egiaztagiri bat lortuz), non normalean perfil bat izango duen. Read more…

Every tweet is a waterfall: Coldplay on the net

December 20, 2011 Leave a comment

Social Networks have turned upside down the way brands interact with customers. Today, we could say that participating actively in social networks is almost essential to succeed in business. Coldplay band is aware of the relavance the Internet has, and so has developed a commincation strategy that enables their music to be advertised on the net.

Susan Payton ” Whether it’s you or someone else at your company, you need to dedicate someone to social media strategy.

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Nire Web Komunikazio Plana – La Pegatina

December 19, 2011 Leave a comment

 Sare sozialak punta-puntako gai direla denok dakigun gauza da; honen bitartez urruti bizi diren lagunekin egin dezakegu berba une oro, Interneteko tarifa ordaintzearekin bakarrik. Horrela, argazkiak partekatu, lagunak egin eta gure burua ezagutzera eman dezakegu. Hori dela eta, gero eta gehiago dira web orrialde bat sortu edo sare sozialetan aurrekontu bat irekitzen duten musika taldeak. Horietako bat dugu La Pegatina, izugarrizkoa arrakasta izaten ari duen talde katalana. Hauek Facebook, Twitter eta MySpace-n aurrekontua izateaz gain, euren web orrialde propio ireki dute. Read more…

Microblogging eta sare-sozialak Rafael Nadalen taktikarik onena

Zein da Rafael Nadalen dohainik onena? Bere ezker paregabea izan litzateke, bere banana shot izugarria apika…bere oin joko itzela edota bere smash bortitza alegia. Baina ez, Nadalen jokoaren armarik onena tenis kantxetatik kanpo sare-sozialen bidez lorturiko enpatia da. Johanna Blackelyk, Southern Californiako Unibertsitateko irakasleak, dioenez ospetsuentzako inbertsioa dira sare-sozialak, haien bidez neurtzen baitute euren karreren .. Nolabait, Nadalek, beste famatuek bezala, bere jarraitzaileen berotasuna sentitu nahian microblogging eta sare-sozialetan murgildu da. Read more…

La revolución de las redes sociales y su utilidad

December 19, 2011 3 comments

Estamos claramente envueltos en el mundo de las redes sociales ¿Quién no tiene una cuenta en Facebook o Twitter? según Miguel Sánchez Alemany:

Las redes sociales son la nueva conciencia social del mundo, la revolución ciudadana

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Cristiano Ronaldo in Social Networks

December 19, 2011 Leave a comment

El valor de un futbolista, y me refiero a su valor en euros, ya no solo depende de lo bien o mal que juegue, sino de la comunicación que sea capaz de mantener. Internet es una oportunidad magnífica, aunque pocos lo aprovechan. (Yuri Morejón, director of Comunicar es ganar) Read more…

Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba sarean

December 18, 2011 Leave a comment

Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, Espainiako Alderdi Sozialistako (PSOE) politikaria da. 2011. urtean Espainiar Gobernuko presidentziarako hautagai izan zen Hauteskunde Orokorretan. Rubalcabak sarean gehien lantzen duen arloa, sare sozialak dira, politikari gehienak bezalaxe. Silvina Moschinik esaten duen legez, “La inmediatez, el contacto constante, la posibilidad de llegar a miles de ciudadanos con una comunicación fluida y transparente, es un desafío planteado por los medios sociales que la política no puede eludir”[1]. Eta hori izan da hain zuzen ere Web Komunikazio Planean aztertuko dena: Rubalcabak sareaz egiten duen erabilera. Read more…

Hamaika Telebista´s jump to the net

December 14, 2011 Leave a comment

Hamaika Telebista is a TV channel created in the Basque Country a few years ago, and,  since the own countries products must be preserved, so do news media. For this reason, Hamaika Telebista is now expanding on the net. Read more…

Euskaltel-Euskadi txirrindularitza taldearen bilakaera

December 14, 2011 1 comment

Euskaltel-Euskadi, ofizialki “Fundación Ciclista Euskadi-Euskadiko Txirrindularitza Iraskundea”, espainiako talde profesional bat da, UCI Pro Tourreko kategoriakoa. Read more…

¿La revolución árabe habría sucedido sin internet?

December 14, 2011 3 comments

En 2007, la bloguera Dalia Ziada en una entrevista realizada por Lali Sandiumenge afirmaba:

Tumbaremos a Mubarak, lo conseguiremos! Read more…

Mikroblogintza, blogaren seme gazteena

December 12, 2011 Leave a comment

Pasa dira bost urte, Wired aldizkarian Paul Boutinek idatzitako artikulu bat irakurri eta, kamarada, gauzak nola aldatzen diren ikusi duzu.

“Zeure bloga idazten hasi behar al duzu? –dio artikuluaren hasierak– Hona lagun baten aholkua: ez egin. Eta honezkero bloga baldin badaukazu, kendu entxufea”.

Orain Twitter, Facebook eta antzekoen garaia bizi dugu, sare sozialen aroa, Interneteko azken zurrunbilo eroa; eta, Boutinek dioenez, blogek berrikuntzaren treneko txartela galdu dute. Zergatik? Lehen geltokia: dirua

“Blogosfera, behinola norbere adierazpenen eta pentsamendu argien oasi fresko izandakoa, ordaindutako gauzen tsunami batek ito du”.

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Facebook vs Twitter, marka komertzialek kontuan hartzeko alderdiak

Herbert Marshall Mcluhanek zioen publizitatea XX. mendeko arte formarik handiena zela. Baina 1980an hil zenean berak ez zekien hurrengo mendean, muga guztiak zeharkatuko zituela komunikazio komertzial teknika honek. Kapitalismo basatiaren eskutik ikaragarri garatu den teknika hau bide berriak zabaldu nahian dabil itsasoz gain uholdeetan ura bezala. Neoliberalismoaren adar honek interneten bere sustraiak ireki nahian dihardu azken hamarkadan. Twitter eta Facebook estrategia hauen adierazle aparta dira. Baina zer eduki behar da kontuan marka komertzialen mezua modu eraginkorrean hel diezaien erabiltzaileei?

Lehenik eta behin, produktu bat saltzeko ezinbestekoa da zehaztea norentzat zuzenduta dagoen. Twitterren eta Facebooken adin guztietako erabiltzaileak ageri dira. Nerabeek (18-22 artean) nahiago dute Twitter (%26) erabili Facebook (%16) baino. Eta 23-35 urteko taldearen artean pareko datuak jaso dira baina Twitter erabiltzailea joriagoak dira (%34). Batez ere, sare-sozialen demokratizazioa, arabiar eta asiar herrialde askotan, zerikusi handia izan du. Beraz, 18 eta 35 urteko aldean sar ditzakegu erabiltzaile gehienak oro har. Talde ugariena da, batik bat teknologiak erabiltzeko duten errastasunagatik, izan ere internetaren hasi diren belaunaldiak dira. Read more…

Rip Curl (advertising through social networks)

December 3, 2011 Leave a comment

James E. Rauch asserts that current new transportation and communications technologies allow the smallest firm to build partnerships with foreign producers and advertised themselves around the world. As for social marketing everyone’s talking about Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Blogging. But why are these websites important for business owners? Social Media Marketing is popular because it promotes dialogue and allows consumers to share experiences with others. Rip Curl is one of these companies that uses social networks, web pages and microblooging to advertise its company, products, events, etc. Read more…

Buruz buruko lehia: Twitter vs Facebook

December 2, 2011 2 comments

Zer nahiago dute nabigatzaileek informazioa partekatzeko orduan? Twitterraren igoeraren ondorioz, Facebook-a bigarren planu batera pasa da, edo behintzat duela urte batzuk izandako arrakasta ez da horrenbestekoa. Facebookaren erabilera eraldatuta gelditu da Twitterraren eraginez, Zuckerbergen “boom” hori apurtu da arrakasta hori zatituta gelditurik. Izan ere, Twitterrari notizien betekizuna egotzi zaio, gustoko jende jarraitzearena, Facebooka batez ere lagunen artekaritzat gelditu delarik. Read more…

Dani Martínez: making laugh via social networks.

December 2, 2011 Leave a comment

Dani Martínez (Spanish comedian, actor and TV presenter) publishes, advertises and promotes his work in many social networks and blogs, since he knows the importance of developing a good web communication strategy nowadays. For that the comedian uses his personal web (Dani Martínez Web), his Twitter account (@danimartinezweb) and his Facebook page (Dani Martinez). In addition to this, his work and news appear on numerous other pages such us in Otra Movida program´s page (Otra Movida) and in his fans blogs, webs and Twitter accounts. Even if he has taken part in many TV series which have shot him to fame, a significant part of his marketing campaign is developed through social networks, as his friends and followers in Facebook and Twitter keep on growing day by day.

The actor keeps daily in touch with his fans and has a quite large list of followers (around 450.000, 2011.14.10) as he always sends rather funny comments. The personal description on his Facebook page could be an example:

Sobre mí: Personaje que se dedica a las variedades

(Véase en Wikipedia Norma Duval).

The “Top 100 most popular Facebook pages in the world 2011”, for instance, evidences that comedy pages like comedy shows or comedians are among those who have more fans on this social network. These are some examples: Family Guy, South Park and The Simpsons, which have around 30.000.000 fans (23/10/2011). This means Facebook users search for humour and funny pages, as they want to entertain and amuse themselves while using the web. This may be one of the reasons why Dani Martinez is such a success on Facebook and other social networks.

In 5 Proven Twitter Marketing Strategies by Todd Wasserman (2011.06.22), five ways of promoting a brand or individual are explained. Here you have one of their tips: using hastaghs.

While “follow us on Twitter” messages from marketers appear ubiquitous, hashtags can be more effective.

Dani Martínez follows this strategy and uses both national and worldwyde trending topics and hastaghs for his own promotion. In fact, he has started some hastaghs that eventually become TT in Spain, for instance: #queprefieres.

In a nutshell, Dani Martínez has developed a really effective marketing strategy via social networks that is making him nationally well-known. He has actually taken into account experts such as Claire Jarrett´s, British online marketing consultant, statements:

Corporations have begun to acknowledge the importance of social media sites in making a mark in the business field. All the latest launches, announcements and other ongoing incidents related to a company are now announced through these social media sites.

– Picture from: Quique Rodrígez (2011-01-11) Entrevista a Dani Martínez (Tonterías Las Justas) . In a Fuego lento, retrieved 2011.11.25 from

– Todd Wasserman (2011.06.22)5 Proven Twitter Marketing Strategies. In Mashable, retrieved 2011.11.06 from

– Antony Mayfield (2010.10.7). 8 Quick Tips for Developing a Facebook Marketing Strategy. In Mashable Retreived 2010.12.24 from

– Clare jarret (2010.12.21) An Insite Into Social Media Sites. In RINF News, retrieved 2011.11.25 from

Cosmo Jarvis promoting weapons

Cosmo Jarvis

Cosmo Jarvis follows almost  all of Amy Porterfield’s “7 Facebook Marketing Tips From World’s Top Pros”. We must remember, that even if he has succeded in linking his own web page with his Facebook account, advertising himself in it and, of course, giving his fans a reason to connect, he has not made it in leveraging his friends, therefore, here we have a point which he should improve.  The last tip we have analyzed in this list has been wether if he uploads videos or not. Ekaterina Walter describes this tip like this: “video as a secret weapon to gain fans”. Cosmo Jarvis has realized how important this is to promote himself in this social network, and, uploads relevant videos almost every week.

Therefore, after seing experts’ opinions about the topic, and comparing them to our singer’s Facebook account, we must say, that even if he has to improve several points on it, he is doing it pretty good. Read more…

Grooming, cyberbullying, child abuse and other problems of social networks

November 28, 2011 Leave a comment

A study by Monash University finds out that privacy is the most common argument against social networking sites. Privacy is a topic that teenagers do not take into account. They create a profile in a social network but they do not think where can finish all this information they add, adn it can be manipulated. Read more…

Sare sozialen arteko guda

November 28, 2011 Leave a comment

José Isaac Mercader kazetariak 2008an argitaratutako artikulu batean esandakoaren arabera,  gazteen %83 sare sozialen bat erabiltzen du. Arrakastarik handiena MySpace eta Facebook multinazional estatubatuarren arten banatzen bada ere, Tuenti sare espainiarrak lidergoa lortu du, Google+ alde batera geratu gabe. Enrique Dans-ek sare sozial hauen kaptazio estrategien kontra agertu da. Sare Sozialen arteko guda hasi ote da? Read more…