
Posts Tagged ‘Wikipedia’

Locos por la Enciclopedia Libre

Wikipedia es una enciclopedia libre y políglota de la Fundación Wikimedia (una organización sin ánimo de lucro). Sus 20 millones de artículos en 282 idiomas y dialectos han sido redactados conjuntamente por voluntarios de todo el mundo, y practicamente cualquier persona con acceso al proyecto puede editarlos. Wikipedia es actualmente la mayor y ,ás popular obra de consulta en internet. En wikipedia el registro es gratuito e instantáneo. El usuario registrado se identifica con un alias y una página de usuario propia, además de poder personalizar su interfaz de edición wiki.

Como trabajo de clase, nosotros hemos tenido que redactar un artículo para, posteriormente, subirlo a Wikipedia. Si tuviera que elegir una palabra con la que definir nuestro camino hasta poder subir algo a Wikipedia sería LOCURA.

Para empezar. tuvimos problemas para poder colgar el artículo que habíamos preparado previamente. Este trataba sobre la identidad digital de Ferrari y se trataba de una reformulación del Web Cominucation plan que uno de los mienbros de nuestro grupo hizo el año pasado.

Tras varias modificaciones tiramos la toalla. Entonces, se nos iluminó la bombilla; “¿Y si elegimos un pequeño artículo que haya en la Wikipedia inglesa y lo traducimos al castellano?”. Para qué engañarnos, esta fue ina idea genial. La parte de la traducción fue la más fácil, eso sí. Luego, el subirla… bueno, se logró tras dos horas de esfuerzo. Ya solo quedaba ponerla bonitamente, decorarla con fotos.

El artículo que hicimos (del cual me siento muy orgullosa) es sobre el Museo de Genji Monogatari. Es muy corto:

El Museo de la novela de Genji está en Uji, Kioto, Japón. Se muestra el mundo de la novela clásica japonesa Genji Monogatari (La historia de Genji) con proyección de imágenes, modelos y exposiciones. La cultura de la corte imperial de la era Heian, el vestuario de los aristócratas y los muebles de sus casas se muestran aquí.

En los últimos diez capítulos de La Historia de Genji se establecen en Uji, el héroe es Kaoru Genji (hijo de Hikaru Genji del clan Minamoto). La historia de estos capítulos se reproduce con gran realismo con una malla y un conjunto de tamaño natural. Los visitantes son introducidos a la línea de la historia y los personajes principales. Un cortometraje basado en los diez capítulos Uji y creado exclusivamente para el museo se presenta en la sala de cine.

Hay una biblioteca con una colección de libros sobre el cuento de Genji.

El museo fue inaugurado en 1998.

De lo que más nos alegramos respecto al artículo es que, en vez de denegárnoslo, incluso lo han mejorado.

Esto ha hecho que nuuestra autoestima se recupere y nos ha mostrado que podemos compartir nuestros conocimientos con todo el mundo si nos lo proponemos y tenemos un poco de paciencia. Al día de hoy, en la edición en español hay registrados 2.203.923 usuarios. Ahora hay uno más, y está dispuesto a editar este gran archivo humano!!


Wikipedia adventure

May 17, 2012 Leave a comment

Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, has been our territory of study during the last weeks. The main target was developing a complete article or improving and translating an already published one, that is to say, the objective was immersing ourselves in this deep and global ocean in which lots of information swim constantly. And, honestly, the aftermath has been pretty satisfactory.

In my groups´s case, our first approach to Wikipedia started with the enlargement of the Chinese and English publications about the film Spring Subway. Our next step was creating the Spanish, German, French and Basque version of this specific film and translating the containing information into the selected different languages. This proccess has suppossed quite an effort since we have tried to maintain the essence of the original text while adequating it to a natural passage in each version. Once the texts were entirely edited, we moved on to the next chapter: changing the articles to Wikipedia format. This meant creating a new account in the free encyclopedia and becoming a collaborating volunteer in this global proyect. So time to get down to business!

The fact that we all were already used to wiki format helped quite a lot; in addition to this, Wikipedia has a really useful introductory help point which is easy to access from the first time you get into the encyclopedia. Moreover, taking some other articles like models to our own work has been advantageous, as it has shown us the best way to develope our new texts. This latter idea has also been vital in order to attach our film´s information table and to upload the poster´s image. Consequently, we have managed to create new uniformed articles that will improve one of Wikipedia´s aims: offering multilingual information about an specific topic. In a nutshell, the Wikipedia adventure has let us open a new world of almost unlimited possibilities based on collaborative principles and, from now on, we will definitely make the most of this opportunity!

Wikipedian idazten

Saiatu al zara inoiz Wikipedian artikuluren bat idazten? Nola egiten den ere ez dakizu? Artikulu honek horren berri emango dizu, Parisko Jean Baudrillard filosofoari buruzko ingelesezko artikuluaren itzulpena nola egin zen azaltzen duen artean. Wikipedian hainbat lan argitaratu direla esan beharrik ere ez da; tendentzia honi jarraiki, ordea, entziklopedia aske honetan Deustuko Unibertsitateak ere bere ekarpena egin nahi izan duela aipagarria da gutxienean. Zer dela eta?

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Posting in Wikipedia: An adventure

May 10, 2012 2 comments

One of the projects we must achieve in Information Management was the creation, or, in my case, the translation of an article of the English Wikipedia to the Basque Wikipedia. Firs of all we were asked to write a draft in Information Management´s webpage, where we basicly translate all the text, without caring about the other Wikipedia´s stuff, like templates. Until the time to transfer it to Wikipedia came, all was fine, but then, we saw ourselves involve in a big adventure: Wikipedia and Wikipedia´s editing world.

First of all we started creating an account. Due to the vandalism actions made by some of our classmates, we were not able to sign in with classroom´s computers, so we created it at home. After that, in order to start editing the new post safely, we copied and paste it in the sandbox. It was funny playing with the configuration and the templates, and when a problem appeared, it was really easy to solve it. Using and reading Wikipedia´s help page we learned quickly. Read more…

The Wikipedia experience

Taking part in Wikipedia has been an unforgettable experience. It is quite an experience to notice that so many people try hard to make Wikipedia a serious and intellectual encyclopedia. If something is not written as an encyclopedia, they do state that it should be written in another way, and it is great to see that people care about it. It is interesting to notice that not only one person writes the article, but many people do it at the same time, which is one of the most enrichening elements Wikipedia has.

We had our articles’ drafts already planned and written down in our Littera Wiki  so we really only had to transfer them into the real Wikipedia. What really amazed me the most is the speed with which people work at Wikipedial. Just a few seconds after having uploaded our version, corrections appeared all over the article by people and even robots. The links were corrected almost intantaneously, as they were external links which were turned into internal ones.

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Chinese cinema: “Spring Subway”

March 20, 2012 Leave a comment

The Infomation Management group I am part of is preparing a Wikipedia article that will be focused on the Chinese film Spring Subway from 2002. In order to analyze and understand it, I have selected some reliable sources related to Chinese contemporary cinema.

Firstly, the author of my first source is Jerome Silbergeld, a Professor of Art History at the University of Washington, Seattle, and the author of several books on twentieth-century Chinese painting, Asian art and especially, Chinese cinema. Besides, his work has been cited in at least 11 books, most of them related to Chinese Fine Arts.

Secondly, Paul Clark is a senior Lecturer at the University of Brighten where he teaches in the school of Historical and Critical Studies, and he has written two of the books included in my sources and also some others like The Chinese Cultural Revolution: a history and has cooperated with Bonnie S. McDougall (a professor of Chinese at the University of Edinburgh) in other work about Chinese cinema Film in contemporary China: critical debates, 1979-1989.

Thirdly, Laikwan Pang is an associate professor in the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His book explores the history, ideology, and aesthetics of China’s left-wing cinema movement and it has been cited in 6 other books according to Google Books.

In fourth place we have George Stephen Semsel, Xihe Chen and Hong Xia. The former is a professor of Film at Ohio University who worked as a Foreign Expert in the Chinese film industry in Beijing; Xihe Chen is a fellow of the China Film Art Research Center and he is completing his Ph.D. at Ohio State University; and the latter, Hong Xia is on the editorial staff of Film Art (Dianying Yishu), a theoretical journal published by the China Film Association.

Finally, as we can see, all authors are scholars or proffesionals whose work is related with Chinese cinema and most of them have collaborated in some other works related to this topic, therefore, there are reliable and relevant sources and their work would help developing my Wikipedia article.

  1. Silbergeld, J. China into film: frames of reference in contemporary Chinese cinema. Reaktion Books, 1999. BibTeX [silbergeld1999china]
  2. Clark, P. Chinese cinema: culture and politics since 1949. Cambridge University Press, 1987. BibTeX [clark1987chinese]
  3. Clark, P. Reinventing China: a generation and its films. The Chinese University Press, 2005. BibTeX [clark2005reinventing]
  4. Pang, L. Building a new China in cinema: the Chinese left-wing cinema movement, 1932-1937. Rowman \& Littlefield Publishers, 2002. BibTeX [pang2002building]
  5. Semsel, GS and Chen, X and Xia, H. Film in contemporary China: critical debates, 1979-1989. Praeger, 1993. BibTeX [semsel1993film]

Reference library: BibTeX

Hamaika Telebista´s jump to the net

December 14, 2011 Leave a comment

Hamaika Telebista is a TV channel created in the Basque Country a few years ago, and,  since the own countries products must be preserved, so do news media. For this reason, Hamaika Telebista is now expanding on the net. Read more…

Facebook vs Twitter

 Facebook y Twitter son las dos plataformas 2.0, en la Red, más importantes a nivel global. Son usadas por millones de personas, incluidos  personajes públicos de todo tipo: Actores y actrices, cantantes, futbolistas e incluso políticos.
Sin embargo, Twitter y Facebook, ni son utilizadas por el mismo tipo de gente. ni con los mismos objetivos.
Soren Gordhamer, en Mashable, considera que la diferencia más importante entre Facebook y Twitter radica en en el tipo de usuarios, tanto de las redes sociales como de microblogging.
Sobre cuándo hacer uso de Twitter y de Facebook, Gordhamer piensa que hay un creciente grupo de personas que se esfuerzan por utilizar cada día más las redes sociales, y lo hacen con fines muy distintos. Aunque en la superficie muchas redes sociales parecen ser similares, debemos comprender los diferentes roles que se pueden adoptar on line para así usarlas con habilidad.

Wikipedia: guztiz fidagarria?

Wikipediaren arrakasta erabatekoa da; dohainekoa da eta erabiltzeko erraz eta azkarra. Tresna eraginkortzat daukagu denok, eta momentu batean edo bestean denon eskuetan ibili da bertako informazioa. Baina, jarri al gara inoiz pentsatzen: egia al da irakurtzen gabiltzana? Galdera honi erantzuteko, datu bilketa bat egitea bururatu zitzaidan, eta honela, jendeak eskuartean darabilena fidagarria den ala ez azaleratu.  Artikulu hau aurrera eramateko, hainbat aditu eta idazleren ikerketa, aholku, konklusio eta iritziak batu ditut sarean. Sailkapen bat egin dut interesgarrienekin:

I came up with a surprising conclusion: experts rate the articles more highly than do non-experts. This suggests that the accuracy of Wikipedia is high. However, the results should not be seen as support for Wikipedia as a totally reliable resource as, according to the experts, 13 percent of the articles contain mistakesThomas Chesney.

Un estudio promovido por la Fundación Colegio Libre de Eméritos Universitarios concluye que la enciclopedia en la red Wikipedia proporciona utilidad a menudo, pero es fiable “sólo a veces”, pues incurre en “no pocos errores” y se caracteriza por una falta “generalizada” de fuentes fidedignas, argitaratu da El Mundo egunkarian.

Debido a que cualquier persona puede agregar o cambiar el contenido, hay una inherente falta de fiabilidad y estabilidad a la Wikipedia.Autores de los artículos puede no ser necesariamente expertos en los temas que escriben, dejando mucho espacio para los errores, la desinformación y los prejuiciosAnn Zawistonski.

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Categories: Web Communication, Wikis Tags:

Our thought, dissipated by the way?

I do not intend to prove that the Net is “bad” for our health nor forecast a “dark future” for the Human Race. Far from it, my intention is merely to provide you with some interesting arguments for and against collective intelligence, for which Jean-François Noubel (2004) claimed to be neither a new concept nor a discovery.  Read more…

Talde-jakintza, mikroblogintza… eta mundua

November 21, 2011 Comments off

Aspaldi ikasi genuen gizakiok jakintza partekatzea eta metatzea denon onurarako zerbait dela, denok irabazten dugula. Horrexek lagundu gaitu aurrera egiten, hobetzen, eboluzionatzen. Idazkera sortu zenetik, egungo Wikipediara arte, 6000 urteko informazio idatziriko metaketa eman da. Geure aroan, eskura daukagun informazio kopurua itzelezkoa da, amaigabea. Internet da erruduna, eta batez ere, talde-jakintza.

Links that users share are analyzed, filtered and rated, making it feasible to convert collective intelligence into structured information. For example, information, comments and links that are shared by users belonging to a certain community –e. g., linguistic, social, thematic, organizational- are analyzed in real time to obtain trends at specified intervals (e. g., hourly, daily, weekly…).

(Astigarraga eta beste, 2011)

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“Globalization is a fact of economic life” Carlos Salinas de Gortari

December 20, 2010 1 comment

The real meaning of globalization is and how thas this conect with economic globalization and what the effects of such a terrible change will be for human societies in a near future.

Globalization presumes sustained economic growth. Otherwise, the process loses its economic benefits and political support” Paul Samuelson

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Sare sozialak daudenetik ze informazio mota usten dugu e-mailerako?

November 17, 2010 Leave a comment
Posta elektronikoari buruzko informazio orokorra eta bere erabilera azaltzeko dokumentu (pdf) honetara joko dugu. Hau Infoconsumok argitaratua da.

Ondoren, posta elektronikoaren  marrazki bat jartzen dut , hau da, ikus dezazuen nolakoa izan daitekeen posta elektroniko bateko argazkia. Baita ere oso ondo erakusten duen moduan eta oso sinbolikoa den bezala, sobre baten barnean dago, hau da  barrukoa ezin du edonork irakurri. Normalean pribatuak dira baina kontu handia izan behar da beste kasu batzuetan, norbaitek kontuko kode sekretua ostu eta edozer irakur dezakeelako nahiz eta hori orokorrean ez den gertatzen, gerta daiteke.Toki honetatik hartutako informazioa da bertan legeak zer esaten duen irakur dezakegu.

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