
Posts Tagged ‘references’

The clockwork orange

Stanley Kubrick’s A clockwork orange based on the novel by Anthony Burgess is one of the good references about this film. I think it is a good reference because, on the one hand, you have a comment from the author, Kubrick : “I have always wondered if there might be a more meaningful way to present a book about a film. To make, as it were, a complete graphic representation of the film, cut by cut, with the dialogue printed in the proper place in relation to the cuts, so that within the limits of still photos and words, an accurate (and I hope interesting) record of a film might be available…This book represents that attempt.” Read more…

Bibliography for the Wikipedia Article

Writing a good scholarly paper, an academic text adding something new to the scientific sphere is definitely not a piece of cake. As a matter of fact, it usually happens that an essay we come across with entails much more efforts than apparently could seem. Anyone intending to do a scholarly paper ought to carry on many tasks, in which the selection and revision of references stands out.


We, as it is to be hoped, have gone through various works among the literature for our topic “A Clockwork Orange” [1]. I have chosen this paper for this post, for it is a very good approach to the topic we are discoursing on.

I find it very interesting and enlightening since it deals with both the novel and Kubric’s film. But he does not only raise them from the typical point of view, as we could expect. Rather, in his paper, Luis Laborda Oribes also analyzes the irony of this masterpiece and, likewise, does tell us, like no other does, a hint about why the movie director made up his mind to adapt the novel to the screen.

Thus, we will, without a doubt, resort to this paper in orther to make from our article worthy of being in Wikipedia.

[1] Laborda Oribes, L. Aproximación a La naranja mecánica. Revista HMiC: historia moderna i contemporania (1), pp.13-20, 2003.

Gerry Coutler: Baudrillard’s Marx

Jean Baudrillard was a French philosopher and sociologist, a cultural critic and theorist of postmodernity, who, unfortunetly, died in 2007. He left a huge work composed by many books, articles and essays, and he is common known, among other things, for analyzing critically Marx‘s ideas.

Marx believed that in economics and its dialectical procedure he found fundamental agency, all he found was what haunts it – Baudrillard, 1976

Because of the interest in this philosopher who had wrote about marxism during the Cold War period and the desire to improve Wikipedia in Basque, I have retrieved some sources for the article. The source I will be commenting is an article of the professor of sociology Gerry Coutler based on Baudrillard’s work and his analysis of Marxim. Read more…

Snodgrass’ book as a reference for our Wikipedia article

Between all the references in Google Books linked to the writer Nora Roberts we can find a book written by Mary Ellen Snodgrass that is absolutely useful for our Wikipedia article since it analyses Nora Roberts’ style and the symbolism of her writing.  Snodgrass provides a plot of summaries of Nora Roberts’ work and tells us about the striking features of her two hundred publications, including regular reissues and editions. This is the main reason for considering  this reference critical for a Wikipedia article about the writer. Snodgrass also tells us about the writer’s life, her work during three decades (the 80s, 90s and 21st century) and the style in which she describes the genre in her books. Moreover, she provides a complete analysis of the relation of the writer with the mass media and the Internet from the page 105 to the page 128 and this is interesting to know her web communication tools and the way she manages information. Apart from this, the book provides different references at the end of its chapter so that the information there is reliable and it is very actual because it was written in 2010. Read more…