
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Alvin Toffler

April 29, 2013 Leave a comment

Post honetan autore garrantzitsu baten inguruan jardungo dut, hala nola: Alvin Toffler. Autore hau, ezaguna da mundu osoan eta etorkizuna eta gizartearen inguruan lan egin du. Beraz, espero dut lan honetan gozatzea irakurketarekin.

Alvin Toffler (1928ko Urriak 3an jaio zen Estatu Batuetan), honek linguistika ikasi zuen New Yorkeko unibertsitatean, bertan ezagutu zuen bere emaztegaia eta laguntzailea izango zena, Heidi. Letretan, legeetan eta zientzietan doktoretza duena unibartsitate horretan, aktibista politikoa izan zen, ibilgailuak egiten zituen fabrika baten eta fundizio baten lan egin zuen teknologia eta lan baldintzak ezagutu nahian.
Kazetaritzan sartu zen, editore gisa lan egiten hasi zen, Fortune, Horizon eta Life aldizkarietan hain zuzen ere. IBM eta Xerox enpresa teknologikoetan lan egin zuen eta ondoren bere aholkulari-a sortu zuen Toffler eta adiskideak izenarekin. Washingtonen berriemaile gisa lan egin eta doktoregoa lortu ondoren, etorkizuneko soziologiari buruzko eskolak eman zituen New School for Social Research-en (hinbat unibertsitateko irakasle izan da). Haiek izan ziren futurologiaz emandako lehenengo eskolak eta ikasketak berarentzat. Bere obra guztiak teknologi berriei, komunikabideei eta hauen ondorioei buruz hitz egiten dute. Horregatik futurista jotzen da, eta hainbat sari jaso ditu.
Toffler-ek gertakizun sozialen azterketa, dibulgazioaren bidez zabaldu eta sakondu beharraz hitz egiten zuen, eta horrela irabazi zuen. Bere obren argitalpenak zirkulu akademikoetatik urrunarazi zuten, eta jende artera hurbildu, arrakasta handia izan baitzuten Future Shock (1970, “Etorkizuneko shocka”) eta The Third Wave (1980, “Hirugarren uhina”) lanek. 1960ko hamarraldiaz geroztik, bere emazte Heidiren laguntza izan du liburuon idazketan, hura ere gizarte-aldaketen azterketan aditua baita, etorkizuneko mugimendu eta gertakizunen ikertzailea.

Beste lan batzuk:
Previews & Premises (1983, WAurrerapenak eta premisakW); Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century (1990, WBoterearen aldaketaW), War and Anti-War (1993, WGerra eta antigerraW) eta Revolutionary Wealth (2006, WAberastasun iraultzaileaW).

Aukeraketaren zergaitia:
Hhainbat autoreren artean interesgarriena iruditu zait hainbat artikulu irakurri ondoren, nahiz eta beste batzuk ere garrantzi handikoak izan, baina Alvinek gai interesgarri baten inguruan jarduten duenez egokiagoa dela iruditu zait, gainera terminoaren asmatzailea izan zenez garrantzi handikoa da gaiaren inguruan eta asmatzaileari erreferentzia egitea egokia dela deritzot. Beraz, esan beharra dago, gure mundurako oso baliogarri izan diren gogoetak eta istorioak argitara eman dituela eta beste hainbat gauza garrantzitsuren inguruan ere gauza bera, hala nola: teknologia berrien inguruan, komunikabideak, lan egoerak…

Autoreak esandako esaldi ospetsuak:
“Los analfabetos del siglo 21 no serán aquellos que no saben leer y escribir, sino aquellos que no puedan aprender, desaprender y reaprender”, ” Nuestros poderes tecnológicos aumentan, pero los efectos secundarios y posibles riesgos también aumentan”.
Bertan eskuragarri:



Categories: Uncategorized

Vizcaya Bridge



     On the page puente Vyzcaya Bridge, specially made for the Vizcaya Bridge and contains detailed information about it. It is a relevant bibliography,  because it is an official page of the Vizcaya Bridge and the page also appears in the bibliography of Wikipedia page. It is made by the company El Transbordador de Vizcaya S.L. and it has the administrative concession to operate the hanging bridge. The site describes the company, and its aim to promote tourism related activities. In this section we find information about the people who have invested a lot into the Bridges structural and operating system aspects. They also opened a pedestrian walkway for the people. At the bottom of the information, you have the option to subscribe to the page, which will keep people informed of the news.

On the home page, there is information about coming events such as the literary competition to promote the bridge. Also, there is information on the new winter schedule to see the bridge. It also has another section about the 120th anniversary since its inauguration. Next to it is a link that shows the bridge through an installed webcam which was placed on it. Under, is a latest news section where you can click to participate on the 2013 Earth Hour, bookmark competition and other interest activities. Under that, there is a coming events section and contact information. All this information is relevant to the Vizcaya Bridge and allows people to join interesting activities, to get to know the bridge better.

At the top of the page, next to the Home box, is the Vizcaya bridge button which has links to the Bridges History, World Heritage, Technical aspects and innovation, activity, prices and awards. It contains huge amounts of information which is available for everybody because it is a world patrimony. There are the options to buy tickets online as well, and there is an online store where people can buy souvenirs. The events held are also posted , and news. The page can be displayed in English or Spanish and the news is posted in esukera as well. Next to the news box, is the Gallery where people can search for their favourite pictures and videos at the Bridge.


Anon, History – Puente Colgante de Portugalete. Available at: [Accessed March 24, 2013].

Durangoko Azoka

January 16, 2013 Leave a comment

“Durangoko azoka” euskal literatura eta musika alorrean aurkitzen den azoka nagusia dela esan daiteke, bertan elkartzen baitira, euskal idazle, poeta, musikari….guztiak.


Azoka hau abenduko lehen hamostaldian egin ohi da, abenduaren 6 eta 8aren inguruan normalean, eta bertan euskal kulturako azken berriak saltzen dira, aurreko urteetako eleberri, liburu, nobela, CD eta abarrekin batera. “Durangoko Euskal Liburu eta Disko Azoka” euskal kulturaren eta euskararen erakusleiho nagusi bilakatzen ari da, bertan elkartuz euskal kulturako hainbat alor.

Azokaren Historia:

Azokaren lehen pausuak duela 37 urte eman ziren, 1965eko azaroaren 1ean hain zuzen ere. Andra Mari eleizako arkupean postuak jartzen hasi ziren, oraindik ere Frankoren diktadurapean. Edizio horretan 19 argitaletxek hartu zuten parte, eta Gerediaga Elkarteak antolatutako edizioa izan zen. Azoka honetarako, 100.000 pezetako aurrekontua bakarrik izan bazuten ere, guztia aurrera ateratzea lortu zuten. Aipatzekoa da, gaur egun ere oraindik elkarte honek jarraitzen duela azoka hau antolatzen, beste hainbat erakunderekin batera, hala nola, Gipuzkoako, Bizkaiko eta Arabako Foru Aldundiak, BBK kutxak, Eroski Fundazioak, Durangoko Udalak eta LESA landako erakustazokak.


Gerediaga Elkartearen esanetan, lehen edizioaren helburua “Euskal Herrian zegoen liburugintza eta diskogintzaren ekoizpena ezagutzera ematea” zen. Lehen edizio horrek arrakasta izan zuenez, azokarekin aurrera jarraitzea erabaki zuten.

Hurrengo edizioak ere Andra Mariko elizpean ospatu ziren, eta aurrerago, Merkatuko plazara pasa ziren, geroz eta jende gehiago hurbiltzen zelako azokara, eta horrek Gobernadore zibilekin arazoak zekartzan. 2003an landako gunea inauguratu eta bertan tokia hartu zuten arte.  1980. urterarte azaroaren 1ean egiten bazen ere, urte honetan abenduan egitera pasa zen.

1996 urtean merkatua utzita karpa erraldoi batera igaro ziren, aurrez aipatu bezala, landako gunea ireki zuten arte, 2003an. Gaur egun, gune honetan hartu du tokia azokak, eta urtetik urtera jende gehiago hurbiltzen da bertara, euskal kultura eta bertako kultura eta folklorea indartuz.

Abenduan egin ohi den azoka honetan ez dira soilik liburu edo diskak saltzen, bertan kontzertuak, liburu eta CD sinaketak, eta beste hainbat eta hainbat ekintza egiten dira, bai haur, gazte eta helduentzat.

Jende ezaguna Durangoko azokan!

Bideo honetan ikusi daitekeen bezala, jende asko mugitzen da Durangoko azokaren munduan, bai jende ezaguna (idazle abeslari) eta herriko jendea ere, horiek gabe ez balitzateke posible izango Durangoko Azoka erraldoi hau aurrera eramatea.

Social Networks

December 16, 2012 1 comment


Between 2001 and 2002, the first social network appeared, but it was in 2003 when Facebook was created. Quickly, some companies entered the social networks to motivate their workers.
All started in Harvard University when a boy named Mark Zuckerberg, had the idea to create a site where students could communicate.
But a few years later, some social networks were created. For example, Tuenti that is the most used in Spain. In Tuenti people can share photos with their friends and send messages with other people. Nowadays, Tuenti has more than 12 millions of users. Another social network is Twitter. In twitter you can send messages with a lot of people and also with famous people.



  • For example, social networks are transforming the way of doing business, specially marketing, It’s a low cost way of promoting a business.
  • makes it possible to be in contact with people who you couldn´t be in with, and you can also recover past friends (school, university, others jobs that you had…)
  • It is a very useful tool to share any information (photos, videos, newspaper articles, ideas …)
  • In addition it makes you be more available and more easily localizated if you often use the internet.



  • Lack of awareness by users that their information will be accessible to anyone.
  •  Information is made ​​public about personal characteristics such as ideology, sexual orientation, religious, and political .
  • The possibility that other people who you don´t know, use your information for illegally things.
  • the possibility of making public some fake information or without authorization.
  • loss of real social life.


1-  Privacy

Don´t let to other people to see your photos and your personal information.

2- Parents

Parents can create an account on Facebook or Tuenti to watch their children and to know what they are doing.

3- Be careful

Be especially careful if you receive a message from a person who you don´t know. You shouldn´t answer to it.


Privacidad HIDDEN_264_11829_FOTO_Seguridad_2 (3)

Don´t post pictures of other people without their consent.

Don´t write personal information.Don´t post private photos of yourself.

Don´t answer to dangerous messages.






Categories: Uncategorized


Tennis is a sport which was first played in Birmingham, England, around 1859. As many other english sports, it requires a lot of practice in order to acquire a good technique, and it is quite difficult to learn to play it.


Every player uses a racket to strike a rubber ball covered with felt, that needs to end in the opponent’s court. The objective of the game is to get such a good shot that the opponent cannot return it, or find difficulties at the time of doing it.

Read more…

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Modern cycling

December 14, 2012 Leave a comment

Cycling has changed very much during the last years. It is not what it was in the past. As everything these days, it is more technologized, more controlled, and it has lost spontaneity, it has lost what in the past made this sport become epic. But what do I mean when I say that it has lost spontaneity, that it is more technologized?

50 years ago a cyclist could ride an average of 100 races per year. Today that is an impossible fact. Now a rider knows what races he is going to part in even before the season starts. And it is not common to ride more than 60 races per year. Differences among cyclist are disappearing and this goes against the spectacle.  The creation of the World Tour has congregated the most important and historical races in a kind of league in which only the best 18 teams can take part in. Almost all cyclists get prepared for the same races and due to the little preparation and competitive difference that exists among them, competitions are becoming more and more boring.

In the past, cyclists used to ride more races and, as there was not any league that congregated the best competitions, all the races were competitive and. Besides, the preparation was very different from what is nowadays. Riders guided themselves by their feelings; they did not prepare a race 2 or 3 months before it so a lot of times they were not in the same shape when taking part in a race, and the spectacle they used to show was bigger.

On the other hand, all changes have not been negative. The strict control cycling suffers from these day has also some positive aspects. Unfortunately, cycling is today more known for drug taking than for sports reasons. But this means that it is now more difficult, I would say almost impossible, to take any kind of illegal product that improves your physical condition without being caught. The case of Lance Armstrong, which is known all over the world, is the best example of how even the most meticulous way of drug taking can be detected. He has always been under suspicion, but the USADA has finally achieved to demonstrate that his victories were not “real”. This is the most famous case, but not the only one that have been the las decade: Floyd Landis, Ricardo Ricco, Alberto Contador, Iban Mayo… there is a very long list of cases that have damaged the health of cycling, but thanks to the progress that has been made in this field it is becoming more infrequent to find a case of “doping”

In conclusion, it is clear that today´s cycling is very different from what it was in the past, and although technology advantages have brought a big progress, there are some habits that should be taken up again in order to make this sport more attractive and enjoyable.


Categories: Uncategorized

Pencak Silat

December 14, 2012 Leave a comment

0- Sarrera

Borroka-arte bat da eta Indonesian sortu zen. Gaur egun leku askotan praktikatzen da hala nola: Indonesia, Singapur, Malasia, Tailandia, Vietnam, Brunei eta baita Ameriketako eta Europako herrialde askotan ere. Izen horren esanahia hurrengoa da: Pencak “eraso eraginkorra” esan nahi du eta bigarrenak Silat “mugimendu artistikoa”. Ez da oso ezaguna jendearentzat baina kirolaren alorrean oso ezaguna da.

2- Mamia

Penca Silat-ek arau edo oinarri batzuk ditu ala nola janzkera, teknika eta agurra garrantzitsuenen artean eta hauen artean osatzen den kirola da. Janzkerari dagokionez, kimono edo bayu izeneko arropak erabiltzen dituzte koloreko gerriko batekin. Egoera berezietarako eta praktikatzen duzunaren mendean edo arabera janzkera berezia izaten da zeren eta kimonoa edo bayua apaintzen dutelako joskerekin eta buruan zapi bat eramaten dutelako eskuz jositako irudiekin.

Teknikari erreparatuz, teknika oso landua da, ordu asko behar dira maila on batera eltzeko zeren eta juntadura edo koordinazioa oso garrantzitsua baita eta egin beharreko kolpeak, giltzak edota edozein motatako pausuak zailtasun handia dute eta behin eta berriz praktikatu behar dira azkenean ongi irtetzeko. Bestalde, abiadurak eta posizioak garrantzia handia du zeren eta borroka egiterakoan zure aurkaria baino arinagoa eta zuhurragoa izan behar zara eta ez soilik indartsuagoa. Borrokan egiterako orduan,  karratu baten barnean egiten da eta karratu horren barnean bi borobil daude (bat zortzi metrokoa eta bestea hiru metrokoa) borrokalariak bata bestearen aurrean jartzen dira hiru metroko tartea utziz. Borrokaren helburua ahalik eta puntu gehien lortzea da eta horretarako aurkariaren golpeak saihestu eta berehala zuk eraso behar duzu. Bestetik borroka-arte honen helburua defentsa pertsonala indartzea da, kalean edo edozein lekutan arazoak izatekotan defenditzen jakiteko eta esan dezaket kirola egiteko ere aproposa dela errendimendu askoko kirola baita. Esan beharra dago ere, kirol hau armekin ere praktikatua izan ohi dala nahiz eta borroka federatuak egiterakoan ez erabili.

Agurra ere oso garrantzitsua da, borroka hasi baino lehen zure aurkaria agurtu beharra daukazu eta entrenamendua hasi baino lehenago ere entrenatzaileari agurtu behar da errespetua erakusteko eta baita espiritualki entrenatzeko erabili ohi delako ingurugiroarekin bat egoteko eta horrela armonian egoteko.

Kirol honek ere badu federakunde internazionala lehenago aipatu dudana PERSILAT. Erakunde hau Pencak Silat garapenaren inguruan arduratzen da, horretarako: txapelketak, ikastaroak, festibalak… antolatzen ditu. Federakunde honek duen helburua Pencak Silat sustatzea eta honen garapena sustatzea da, mundu guztian ezaguna izan dadin.

Espainiako lurraldeari dagokionez, Pencak Silat 70ko hamarkadan heldu zen Jon Barrenetxearen eskutik, eta lehen klaseak Madrilen eman ziren Indonesiako enbaxadan hain zuzen. Hasiera batean horrelako kirol motak praktikatzen zituen jendearentzako egina zegoan baian gero honen garapena sustatzeko talde bat sortu zen hau irakasteko Espainiatik zehar. 80ko hamarkadan beste talde bat sortu zen eta horrela Galdakoko gimnasioan irakasten hasi zen Jon Barrenetxearen eskutik eta Indonesiako irakasleen eskutik. Horrela joan zen garatzen Espainian eta Euskal Herriko hainbat herritan (esaterako Igorre, nik entrenatzen dudan lekuan). Gaur egun ia ia soilik Euskal Herrian praktikatzen da nahiz eta badaude eskolak Kordoban, Extremaduran… Eskola hauen helburua estatu mailako federakuntza bat sortzea izan zen horrela Pecak Silat indartzeko eta horretarako sortu zen Espainiako Pencak Silat federakundea eta era berean hau PERSILAT-eko zatia edo kidea delarik.

3- ondorioak

Pencak Silat oso erbilgarria izan daiteke edonorentzak, zeren eta kirola egiteaz gain kalerako defentsa pertsonala beharrezkoa baita gaur eguneko gizartea. Edonorentzat gustokoa izan daiteke praktikatzeko zeren eta benetan adrenalina askatzeko kirol egokia eta atsegina izan daitekeelako. Nik praktikatzen dudanez, esan ahal dizuet oso erabilgarria dela eta gainera benetan gustukoa baduzu Tailandia edo Indonesiara joateko gogoa ere sartuko zaizu, zergaitik? oso kirol erabilgarri eta interesgarria delako eta gainera zure barruarekin ere bakean gera zaitezke bertan jardunez. Hemen duzu bideo bat ikusgai nola praktikatzen den jakiteko:

4- Erreferentziak

Partaideak, P., Pencak Silat, Available at:

Anon, PERSILAT. Available at:




December 14, 2012 Leave a comment

Aurreko astean lagunekin solasaldian ibili nintzenean eta larunbatean Otxandion egon nintzela esatean , derrigor azalpenen bat eman behar izan nuen. Momentu horretan , jendeak Bizkaiko herriei buruz duen ezagupen eza izan zen burura etorri zitzaidan lehenengo ideia. Hori dela eta, herri honen existentzia zabaltzeaz gain, bertara joatea edo gisa honetako beste herri batzuetara joatea bultzatzea dut helburu.Bizkaia_municipalities_Otxandio

Lehenik eta  behin, Arabako mugan dagoen historiaz beteriko herri bizkaitarra da Otxandio. Nahiz eta Arratia-Nerbioi eskualdean kokatuta egon Durangoko Barruti Judizialaren barne dago.Aipatu beharra dago hainbat udalerriekin egiten duela muga, hala nola, Abadiño (iparraldean), Dima ( ipar-mendebaldean), Aramaio (Araba, ekialdean) eta Legutio(Araba, hegoaldean). Biztanleriari dagokionez, herri txikitzat hartu dezakegu, 1277 biztanle baino ez dituelako. Era berean, lurralde zati bat Urkiolako Parke Naturalaren barne izateak xarma berezia aitortzen dio.

Aurretik esan dudan moduan, historia handia biltzen duen herria da. Batik bat,  Gerra Zibilean pairatu zuen bonbardeaketagatik. Hala ere, ez da ahaztu behar 1236 eta 1254 urteen bitartean jaso zuela hiri-gutuna goi-lautadaren eta kantabriar kostaldearen arteko trafikoa bermatuko zuen nukleoa eratzearen xedearekin,gauzatuz. Harrez geroztik, hainbat liskar sortuko ziren, bai gizarte urbanoa eta noblezia urbanoaren artean  bai Aramaio eta Otxandioko jurisdikzioen artean kokatzen den lurraldeari zegokiona, “Limitadua” deitutakoa. Biek lurralde haren jabetza aldarrikatzen zuten eta azkenean Otxandiok egoera hauek saihesteko egin zuen eskritura baten bitartez onartu zitzaion lurraldearen erabilera. Arazo hori konponduta, beste batzuk etorri ziren, hala nola belardien ustiaketena zein XVI eta XVII. mendeetan Otxandiok belardi mankomunitatea lortuko zuen  Aramaio, Dima, Zeanuri eta Arabako Legutiorekin bat. Hala ere liskarrak  berean jarraitzen zuen baina honetan  egur-baliabideen kontrola “Limitaduan” zen arazoa. Honetan ere Otxandiok lortu zuen horren ustiapena beraz, herriko ekonomia horretan gauzatzen zen. Horrek garapen ekonomikoa sustatu zuen baina  alde txarrak ere izan zituen,izan ere, energia beharraren hazkundeak desforestazioa ekarri zuenez baliabideak agortu ziren krisialdi batean murgilduz. Hori dela eta, jendeak hiri industrialetara alde egin zuen. Dena dela, 1920an egoera ekonomiko hobea etorri zen eta demografía hazkunderantz jo zuen. Haatik, oparotasun ekonomikoa 70.hamarkadan heldu zen empresa berriak sortuz. Aipu bezala industriari dagokionez, mundu mailan ospea handia daukan Vicinay empresa Otxandion sortua da.

Bestalde,Gerra Zibila hasi aurretik politikari begira herri lasaia zen baina hura hastean bere kokapen estrategikoa dela eta oso paper garrantzitsua izan zuen. Izan ere, Bizkaiko defentsarako puntu garrantzitsua zen baita altxatutako tropeen aurka egiteko Araban ere. Horrez gain,  Bizkaian sartzeko funtsezkoa zenez  falagistentzat erasotzeko helbururik beharrezkoenetariko bat bihurtu  zen.


Gerra Zibil horretan,  Otxandiok bizitako egunik latzena Uztailaren 22a  izan zen. Herriko jaiak zirelarik, Logroñotik etorritako bi hegazkin hiruzpalau kiloko bonbak bota zituzten 57 hildako eta kolpatu asko ekarriz.Ezustean harrapatu zien herritarreei, frankistek zibilen kontra egiten zuten lehenengo bonbardeaketa izan baitzen hura. Ondorioz, jendeak Otxandiotik ihes egin zuen,batetik, janariaren gabeziagatik eta bestetik, Mola jeneralaren tropak hurbiltzen ari zirelako. Jarraian, zenbait bonbardaketa gehiago pairatu zuten otxandiarrek martxoaren 4koa tragikoenatzat hartuz. Izan ere, 450 miliziano eta gudari hil ziren , 400 atxilotu eta aukera izan zutenek Barazar, Urkiola eta Zumeltzara alde egin zuten, berriro batzeko asmoz. Handik aurrera frankisten menpe geratu zen herria eta  mota askotako jazarpenak pairatu zituzten otxandiarrek.

Esan beharra dago, herriaren historia ez dela Otxandiok erakartzeko duen baliabide bakarra.  Bere ingurugiro naturala dela  eta ingurumenarekin erlazionaturik dauden ekintzak egin daitezke. Izan ere, badira BTT , mendi eta kultur ondare ibilbideak egiteko aukera dexente non zailtasunaren arabera banatuta dauden, hau da, errazak, ertainak eta zailak. Lehenengoa gehienbat umeentzat bideratuta dago. Gainerakoak, aldiz, helduek egiteko aproposak dira.

BTT ibilbideei dagokionez , modu entretenigarri batean herria ezagutzeko aukera paregabea eskaintzen dute. Aurretik esan dudan moduan zailtazunez bananduta dagoenez adina ez da oztopo  hura praktikatzeko .Aipatu beharra dago, zaila alorrean sartuta dauden ibilbideak alboko herrietara joateko aukera ematen dutela adibidez, Ubidera edota Zumeltzara (Dima) .  Haatik, Otxandio herrian dauden auzuneak  eta bertako ondare historikoa ere ezagutzeko abagunea eskaintzen du.

Mendi ibilbideak  BTT  ibilbideak jarraitzen duten antzeko egitura daukate. Zailtasun handienak dituztenak alboko herrietara heltzeko aukera ematen dute , hau da,  Otxandion egoteaz gain, alboko herriak edo mendiak bisitatu ditzakezuzala, kasu honetan, Bizkaiko bi mendi nagusietara heltzeko aukera dago, hau da , Gorbeia eta Anboto. Hala ere, Urkiolara heltzeko parada ematen du ibilbide horrek.

Horrez gain, lasai ibili nahi izatekotan Otxandio herrian bertan hainbat monumento ikusteko aukera eskaintzen duten bi iblbide daude. Batetik, plazatik hasi eta Elizabarri, San Antonio, San Martin eta San Roke baselizatara hurbilduko gaituena eta bestetik, plazan bertakoa Santa Marina Parrokia Eliza errenazentista eta bere dorre barrokotik Udaletxera joanaz, edota Frontoitik Bolaleku eta Pasealekura abiatzea eskeintzen duena.Otxandio_aldezaharra_h

Nire ustez, ibilbide denak dira erakargarri baina esperientziaren ikuspuntutik, lehengo hobe da herria bera bisitatzea eta denbora izatekotan beste ibilbide luzeago bat burutzea. Honekin lortu nahi izan dudana herria ezagutzea, eskeintzen dituen ekintzei buruz konziente izatea eta ingurua ezagutzera bultzatzea dela aitortu beharra dut.  Era berean, alboko herriak, Dima, Ubide, Legutio… kasu antzeko geografia menditsua daukate beraz, Otxandiotik hurbil egonik haiek ere bisitatzea bultzatzen dut.

Bukatzeko aipagarri bezala, nahiz eta urte askotako herria izan teknologia berrietara egokitu da Otxandio, izan ere, facebooken orrialde bat dauka Otxandioko Udala deitutakoa. Bertan, egingo diren ekintzak eta eguneroko berriak azaldutzen dira. Beraz, sare sozialak ere antzinako herrietan funtsezkoak bilakatu direla esan dezakegu. Azkenik,  herri honi buruz informazio gehiago nahi izatekotan, sartzea besterik ez dago.


Otxandioko Udala, Otxandioko Udala. Available at: [Accessed December 5, 2012].

Wikipedia, 2012. Ochandiano. Available at: [Accessed December 5, 2012].

Munduan zehar murgiltzeko beste era bat

December 14, 2012 Leave a comment

Normalean, jendeari zer duen gustuko duen galdetzean, ia gehienek bidaiatzea dela erantzuten dute. Baina, zenbatero bidaiatzen duten  viaje-por-su-cuentagaldetzean, gutxi batzuk erantzuten dute askotan edo normalean egiten duten gauza dela. Horren zergatia, gehienetan, diru falta izaten da. Horregatik aukeratu dut gai hau; denbora, gogoak eta diru pixkat edukiz gero egin daitekeen gauza bat delako.

Bidaiatzeko hainbat arrazoi daude: leku, jende edota  kultura berriak ezagutzeko, hizkuntza berriak ikasteko … baina hau guztia ahalbidetzeko hainbat modu daude.

Batzuk etxe trukea egiten dute hotelak dakarren gastua aurrezteko. Homeforhome bezalako web orriek ahalbidetzen dituzte trukeak. Baserrietan lan egitearen truke janaria eta lo egiteko lekua lortzen dutenak ere badaude, eta gero eta gehiago zabaltzen dagoen jarduera da.

Beste batzuk aldiz, herrialde batetik bestera bidaiatzeko auto banaketa proposatzen dute,horrela, gastuak bidaiarien  artean elkar banatuz,dirua viajeporelmundoaurrezten dute; Hitchhikers web orrialdearen bidez lotu daiteke hau. Trenez edota autobus bidez ere bidaia merkeak aurkitu daitezke; baina badaude low cost bidaiak ere. Koste gutxiko hegaldien bidez, normalean ordaindu beharreko tasak aurrezten dira, beraz,  bidaia-txartela merkeago eskuratzeko beste modu bat da.

Mundu mailan gehien bisitatzen diren herrialdeak Frantzia, Estatu Batuak, Txina, Espainia, Italia, Turkia, Erresuma Batua, Alemania, Malasia Sin títuloeta Mexiko dira. Europara bakarrik begiratuz gero, Frantzia, Espainia, Italia, Turkia, Erresuma Batua, Alemania, Austria,Errusia, Ukraina eta Grezia dira herrialderik bisitatuenak. Baina zure jomuga bidaiatzea bada, norakoari garrantzi handirik ematen ez badiozu, herrialde merkeenak zeintzuk diren ere begiratzea gomendagarria da. Gaur egun hauek dira Europatik bidaiatzeko lekurik merkeenak:  Albania, Bulgaria, Kroazia, Hungaria, Lituania, Malta, Polonia, Portugal, Errumania eta Turkia.

Bidaia mota hauek edonork egin ditzake. Bidaia honek egiten dituzten pertsonek perfil ezberdina dutenez, bidaia ezberdinak antolatzen dituzte. Batzuk motxila hartu eta mundutik zehar ibiltzen dira abentura bila, beste batzuk bidaiak erlaxatzeko erabiltzen dituzte eta hondartza lasaiak dituzten norakoak bilatzen dituzte. Beste batzuk aldiz, modako hiria bisitatu nahi dute eta berau ezagutzeko ibilbidea prest daramate gero hirian zehar murgiltzeko. Baina guzti hauek gauza bera dute amankomunean, diru gutxirekin bidaian joatea.

turismo-aventura                viaje-para-2-travelgenio                 Robert_Finale_art_paintings_CafeDeParis

Gaur egun, gero eta jende gehiagok aukeratzen ditu bidaia mota hauek, ondo antolatuz gero, ohiko bidaietan egiten denaz eta askoz gauza gehiagoz bereganatu baitzaitezke. Gainera, bidaia antolatzen aurrezten duten diruarekin gero, lasai asko bidaiatzeko aukera izango dute herrialde berri horietan behar denean gastatzeko.

Badaude sare sozialen bidez bidaia liburuak iragartzen dituztenak eta baita mundutik bidaiatzen ahalbidetzen dituzten laguntza taldeak ere. Twitter eta Facebook bezalako sare sozialek, ezagun edo ezezagun diren munduko beste pertsona batzuekin etengabeko harremanetan egoteko aukera ematen dute. Horregatik askok probetxua ateratzen diote honi. Honen bidez, non jan, herrialdetik bidaiatzeko modurik merkeenak zeintzuk diren edota lo egiteko lekuak eskaini edo gomendatzen dituzte.


Interneten honen inguruan hainbat aholku ematen dituzten blogak aurkitu daitezke. Bertan garraiobideei, jakiei edota lo egiteko lekuei buruz irakurri daiteke eta baita bidaiariek izan dituzten bizipenen berri. Horrela, aurrekoek egindako akatsak zuzendu eta bidaia ondo jarraitzeko aukera errazten dizu.

Nire ustez bidaiatzeko modurik onena da, diru pixkat aurreztuz mundua ikusteko aukera eduki daitekeelako. Leku berriak ezagutzeaz gain, beste pertsona batzuekin harremanetan erraz jartzeko aukera ematen dizu, hauek hurbiletik ezagutu eta ondorioz euren  kulturetan errazago murgilduz.

Horregatik, jende guztiari gomendatzen diodan esperientzia da, behintzat bizitzan behin egitekoa. Gustuko izanez gero errepikatzekoa eta gustuko izan ezean … lagun zein familia artean kontatzeko anekdota.

Beraz, ez pentsatu gehiago, egin maletak eta munduan zehar murgildu!



Teen Pregnancy

December 14, 2012 Leave a comment

Nowadays, we are all very conscious about teen pregnancy as it is a very common issue in our society. As fortunately or unfortunately, most of us know cases where young girls have became pregnant.

Whenever a person becomes pregnant there are several options to be considered and one of them is the abortion.

Therefore I would like to give out some facts about abortions according to

“Number of abortions per year: Approximately 42 Million (2003) and the number of abortions per day: Approximately 115,000”

Moving on to analyze the teen pregnancy in the United States, it is worth mentioning, that, the U.S. has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world. For instance the rate in The United States is ten times higher than in Switzerland. It is also said that Nevada has the highest birth rate e pregnant at least once before they’re 20.

This is a link in which it is possible to check the percentages of teenage pregnancy in the any State of the United States.

There is also some statistics of why women have abortions. And according to “it is estimated that 1% of all abortions occur because the girls are raped or it has been incest. Another, 6% of abortions occurs because of health problems regarding either the mother or child, and finally, 93% of all abortions occur for instance, if the child is unexpected or inconvenient”.

Even if abortion is legal in most of the countries worldwide, there are still some other countries in which abortion is illegal.

France – Legalized
Britain – Legalized
Switzerland – Legalized
Denmark – legalized
Hungary – Legalized
Romania – Legalized
Poland – Illegal
Italy – Legalized
Colombia – Illegal
Peru – Illegal
Mexico – Illegal
Russia – Legalized
United States – Legalized
China -Legalized
Australia – Legalized
Brazil – Illegal

There´s a really show in MTV called teen moms that shows how difficult it is to be a teenager and to rise a baby. In this show, there are four main characters Maci, Farrah, Catelynn and Amber that will show teenagers that rising up a baby is difficult but not impossible.


Maci has to take care of Bentley, take online courses at the local college, and keep her relationship with the baby’s father.Therefore, she gets fed up with Ryan when he does not help her with the child. She has gone back to college to study journalism because she wants to write a book about her experience being sixteen and pregnant. She also speaks at local high schools to talk about teen pregnancyto conscience other teenagers.


Farrah is the mother of Sophia. Unfortunately, Sophia’s father was killed in a car accident before Sophia´s birth. Moreover, Farah’s mother was charged with assault for hitting her. Due to the fight with her mom, Farrah and Sophia move into an apartment. She sees a therapist to discuss the rocky relationship with her family, as well as dealing with her emotions regarding her boyfriend´s death. Farrah proves to her ex boyfriend´s family through a paternity test that he was indeed Sophia’s father. This was faced with a lawsuit by the father´s mom for grandparent visitation rights despite they had no previous contact with Sophia.


Catelynn is the birth-mother of Carly but she decided to give her in adoption. Catelynn moves back home with her parents, but she sees that her stepfather, who is also the father of her boyfriend Tyler, is not over her decision to place her daughter for adoption. Moreover, Catelynn has problems to face she is a birth mother.  But later, she moves in with her boyfriend and his mother and gets engaged to Tyler. Catelynn shows that there are more opportunities even once the baby is born.


Amberis the mother of Leah Leann Shirley; she tries to parent Leah, and the same time stay with her fiancé Gary. When she found out that she was pregnant Amber decided to leave high school. However, now is working on obtaining her GED. She has many troubles with her baby’s father, Gary. Furthermore, the problems led to physical violence and therefore, Amber gets arrested.

These are some links for those who are interested on watching some videos about these four girls’ daily lives:

All the information and facts appeared during this text are all from these blogs:





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Munich and Christmas

December 14, 2012 Leave a comment



With this post, I want you to explain a little bit a topic which is related with Christmas. Here, I tell my experience in Munich and its Christmas Markets, giving different details and encouraging people to visit the wonderful city of Munich.

Three years ago I visited by this period of time one city that personally I love it; this city was Munich. Munich is the capital of Bavaria in south Germany and it is famous because of the Beer Celebration “Oktoberfest” and because it is the capital of the well-know  car factory of BMW and the headquarter of “Bayern München” football team. But, the first time, when I visited the city, I only enjoyed visiting the incredible Christmas Market of the city that my German teacher had encouraged me to visit one year before.

The Munich Christmas Market is not the only one in Germany,also there are other Christmas Markets  Central Europe, but it is the oldest Christmas Market of Germany. The tradition of this event set out in XIV century, although the form of today´s market started in 1972. On the other hand, the main Christmas Market of Munich is in the city centre, in Marienplatz, even if all city is decorated and in all areas are different and more familiar Christmas Markets.

The name of the market is “Christkindlmarkt” because it refers to the Jesus Baby, and we have to remember that we are in a very Catholic part of Germany. Apart from that, this character is the character that brings the presents to children in South-Germany, Austria and Switzerland. By this time of the year, people who visit Munich will be able to enjoy listening fantastic choruses of children in markets, but also in anywhere, for instance in “Frauenkirche” Cathedral, or in the streets of the Bavarian capital city.Chistmas Market

But, what can we say about different foods? Not only in Germany are sausages, sauerkraut or knuckle, there are other ingredients, other flavors in German gastronomy, and this period of time is a really good time to try out with other recipes of the Germanic country. For example, in Munich, in Christmas and in other cities of Germany, is very typical the “Glühwine”, also the typical Christmas biscuits, chocolates, and so on. On the night, the city become into a spectacular landscape of lights whose central element is a fir tree in the centre of Council Square (Marienplatz) and in front of the “Altrathaus”. What it´s more, if you want, you have the opportunity to visit different nativity scenes in streets of the city; there is as well a market where is specializing in Bethlehem figures.

I have to say that I was only once in winter, in Germany, but I know that there are other different Christmas Markets, for instance in “Köln” (Cologne), where there are other four different Christmas Markets. But, only two are deserved to be visited obligatorily: “Am Dom” near the famous cathedral and the other one: “Alter Market” where the activity is frenetic.
On the hand, and in the same region where Munich is, we have Nuremberg and its Christmas Market. Here, there is an ancient tradition which it consist on a solemn opening of the market. The “Christkind” offers a speech and the market start.

In any case, visit Germany in winter can be a wonderful option to have contact with the old tradition of Christmas Markets. Here we don´t have this kind of tradition, since the markets were an invention against the winter´s cold, so if we want to try out the Christmas spirit, Munich our city. But we have to remember that the majority of markets are usually closed to the Christmas Day.


-El mercado de Navidad de Munich. (2009).Viajeros Barceló. Retrieved from

-Gómez, J. (n.d.). El Mercadillo de Navidad en Munich. Sobreturismo. Retrieved from

-Munguía, I. (2009). Los mejores mercados de Navidad en Europa. Diario del viajero. Retrieved from

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Germanic Mythology

December 14, 2012 Leave a comment

Germanic mythology is a general term that include all the religions and myths of the people in the area of actual Germany, Anglo-saxon and nordic zones. Germanic mythology ultimately derives from Indo-European Mythology, also known as Indo-Germanic mythology, but I am not going to focus that far. Anyway, all the gods of scandinavia people are the same as the germanics, the only thing that change is the name and their roles (but just a bit), but this also happened in all mythologies through the years.

One particularity of the Germanic gods is that they can not scape from their destiny, and they are seized to the same penalties that the humans have, and they are either bad and good people enchained to their passions.

In the following post Iam going to name the main gods of germanic mythology, who are the same of viking mythology.

First of all we have Wodanaz, better know as Odín, the names as I said have evolved through the years. He is the ruler of200px-Georg_von_Rosen_-_Oden_som_vandringsman,_1886_(Odin,_the_Wanderer) Asgard, the land of the gods, he is also the god of euphoria and the god of the killed in battle warriors. He is represente as a one-eye old man, riding his eight-legged horse Sleipnir, the fastest in the world, and holding his lance Gungnir, that once has been thrown is unstoppable. The nords believe that if they died in combat bravely, afterdeath they will be waiting the Ragnarok (end of the world) in the Valhalla.

Þunraz (read Thunraz), also called Thor, is the son of Odín and the protector of midgard, the land that is occupied by the human race. He is the strongest warrior in whole Asgard and therefore of all the worlds. He is the god of thunder, lighting and storms. His mortal enemy is the colossal serpent called Jormundur, that surrounds the limits of midgard. In the Ragnarok, Thor will  fight with it and killed it, but he will die because of the wounds.

Teiwaz or Tyr is the god of war and sky. He was supposed to be the main god of the germanic culture, but he was replaced by Odin in some later time. He is portrayed as a one-handed man, lost when the gods cheated the giant wolf Fenrir when they enchain him. Tyr is 514px-John_Bauer-Tyr_and_Fenrirdestined to kill and be killed by Garm, the guard dog of Hel, actually the word “hell” comes from here. Here in the right, we have an art of the myth of Tyr and Fenrir.

Frigg is the mayor goddess in the nord paganism. She is the wife of Odin and therefore, the queen of Asgard. She is said to have the power of prophecy. This is an attribute that was expanded to all the women of germanic societies. Women´s advices were very valued. She is the goddess of the birth and was associated to married women. By the way, in the pieces of documents of the Ragnarok it is not say what happen with the goddess so it is supposed that they survived to the destruction.

Another very important goddess is Freyja, she was associated to love, beauty, fertility, seidr (sorcery), gold and death. It is said that Frigg and Freyja were the same goddess at the beginning, but this, like a lot of things changed through the years.

Loki, the trickster. He is not exactly a god, because he doesnt recieve cult, but he is a deity and he is very important in the nordic and germanic mythology. He embody the figure of the trickster, the one that always is complicating all the things. It is in her nature. We can find these figure in toher cultures, like in northamerica, represented by the coyote. After the dead of Baldr, the beloved son of Odin, he was punished to be enchained to a rock and to suffer the poison of a snake spilling in her face. It was said that the earthquakes were provoked by Loki when he twist of pain because of the poison. He is also the father of Fenrir and Jormundur, the ones that will destroy a big part of the world in the Ragnarok. The Ragnarok will begin when Loki were set free of their chains.

Besides the gods and the humans, there are also other “creatures” like the giants, that live in the world of Iotumheim, the elves, that live in Alfheim, tuergos, dwarves, trolls, etc. They live in other worlds, hanging in the Yggdrasil, the tree of life. The giants are very important in the nordic mythology, lots of the gods have giant blood running in their veins and in the Ragnarok the frozen giants will be the main part of Loki´s army.

The Ragnarok, or god´s destiny, it´s the apocalypsis in the norse mythology. Thanks to one völva (a female witch) Odín knows waht is going to happen in the Ragnarok, he knows that is going to happen, it is the destiny of the gods, but he doesnt know when. When Loki be set in free of his torturing punishment, he is going to begin the war against the gods. Heimdall the watcher god will saw the armies of Loki crossing the Midgard sea in order to destroy the world. A huge battle will be between Asgard´s armies, composed by the valhalla warriors, the gods and the creatures that support Asgard and the Loki´s army, builded with the enemies of the gods, the giants and the terrorific monsters, Fenrir the wolf, and Jormundur the Serpent. World will be destroyed, but two humans and some gods will survive the Ragnarok and they will create a new world.



Enrique Bernardez “Los mitos germánicos”, año 2002, alianza editorial

Norse mythology,

Categories: Humanities, Uncategorized


December 14, 2012 Leave a comment


Martialarts are extensive systems of codified practices and traditions of combat, practised for a variety of reasons, including self-defence, competition, physical health and fitness, as well as mental and spiritual development.

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and the national sport of South Korea. In Korean, taekwondo may be loosely translated as “the art of kicking and punching.”

Read more…

Categories: Uncategorized

Day of Defeat

December 14, 2012 Leave a comment

Day of Defeat jokua internet bidez 2. Mundu Gerran  islatzen da, lehen pertsonan  jokatzen den jokua da. Valvek garatu du jokua, DoD-a  2004 –an estreinatu zen .  Ordenagailuan jokatu beharreko jokua da.


Jokalariek zein taldetan jokatuko duten hautatzen dute, hots, Aliatuekin( EEUU eta UK) edo Ejearekin( Alemania).Talde bakoitzak arma propioak eta janzteko era desberdina dauka.

DoD-an jokatzen ari zaren bitartean jokalarien datuak,erronkak eta beste hainbat gauzen informazioa erakusten dizu, zenbat aldiz hil zaren eta zenbat pertsona hil dituzun  esanez.Gainera, jokuak taldeko puntuazioa islatzen du ere.

Partida normalean denbora zehatz bat pasa ostean, bukatzen da eta txanda gehien irabazi duen taldea da garailea,helburu gehien bete dituena garaile.Honen ostean , jokuak beste mapa bat kargatzen du eta beste partida batera salto egiten duzu beste mapa batean, mapak normalean 2 Mundu Gerran islatuak dira, hala ere, jokalariek edo edonork sor dezake beste mapa berri bat eta sarean eskegi gero zerbidore batean jokatu ahal izateko


Day of Defeat-ko mapek bi helburu dituzte:

– Bandera hartzea. Taldeak mapan agertzen diren bandera  guztiak  konkistatu behar ditu irabazteko.

-Helburua suntsitzea. Jokalariek bonba bat plantatu behar dute eta beste jokalari batzuk hori ekiditu behar dute irabazteko.

Dod-a ezagunez den jokua , mundu mailan jokatzen den jokua  da , honen xedea, jendeak ondo pasatzean datza.

Day of Defeat-a, Steam Valve-ren plataformaren bidez eta youtube-ren bidez eskaintzen da, Steam plataforman agertzen zaigu jokoaren deskribapena eta informazio orokorra eta honen aurkezpena bideoen bidez.



Besterik gabe, jokua 2005. urtean  hobetu ostean, joku interesgarri bat dela ikus daiteke, edonori zuzendua, oso interesgarria eta lagunekin jokatzeko aukera paregabea.





Categories: Uncategorized

Un vecino “incomodo” al otro lado del rio

December 14, 2012 Leave a comment

Tras un verano muy “caliente” y muy movido en los despachos y parques de Nueva York, a uno y otro lado del rio, llego al fin el ansiado primer derbi entre los Knicks y los reinventados Nets. Los Knicks, liderados por un Carmelo espectacular y un J.R. Smith letal desde el banquillo, cruzaron el puente de Brooklyn orgullosos de figurar entre los cuatro primeros de la NBA. Amparados por una muy buena defensa, y unos altos porcentajes en el lanzamiento exterior, llegaron por primera vez al moderno Barclays Center de Brooklyn decididos a machacar a su nuevo vecino.Imagen

Puente de Brooklyn

Puente de Brooklyn

Pero los nuevos Nets no son un equipo cualquiera este año. Un equipo que tras reinventarse, y tras cambiar de ciudad y pabellon, sumando a esto la gran calidad de los jugadores llegados este verano y tras un buen arranque de temporada esperaban a sus vecinos con la motivacion de poder ganar el primer derbi New Yorkino de la historia. Pronto se vio que los de Avery Jonshon si podian ganar el partido. El primer cuarto fue una fase de pruebas de lo que mas tarde iba a ser el partido, intercambio mutuo de canastas, varias buenas acciones pero nada mas. En el segundo un gran mate de Tyson Chandler ahogo el griterio de la grada y mas tarde, un jugadon del talentoso pivot de origen cubano Brook Lopez volvio a encender los animos del respetable de Brooklyn.
Carmelo Anthony y Brook Lopez

Carmelo Anthony y Brook Lopez

Llegaban los Nets con una ligera ventaja al tercer cuarto, donde descansaron los jugadores mas destacados de la primera parte, Brook Lopez y Carmelo Anthony, dando paso a los jugadores de banquillo, donde J.R Smith y Blatche fueron, como cada madrugada los protaginistas. Se llego al ultimo cuarto con el marcador apretado, en donde el veterasimo Stackhouse cosio a triples a los Knicks. A falta de pocos segundos para el final del parti, con los Nets dos arriba, todo Brooklyn celebraba ya la ansiada victoria. Pero Carmelo Anthony, fue decisivo de nuevo, y mando el partido a la prorroga con su solvente tiro de media distancia. Se las prometian felices los Kincks, y Jerry Stackhouse les remato definitivamente desde la linea de tres sin contemplaciones. Gano finalmente Brooklyn en un primer derbi que los Knicks recordaran mucho, mucho tiempo.



December 14, 2012 Leave a comment


Mixology is the art, skill, science perhaps, of mixing alcoholic drink and turning them into delicious cocktails.  The word is a modern and more sophisticated way of referring to bar tendering. It started thank to the curiosity of people, of experimentation and today remains the same, maybe with some other cool gadgets and Scientifics, but the essence stays unchanged. Many books have been written on this art, and here you will find some drink recipes and some tips for being a good Bar Chef. Read more…


December 13, 2012 Leave a comment
Categories: Uncategorized

La Concha Flag

December 13, 2012 Leave a comment

La Concha flag is one of the oldest and most famous boat-race along the bay of San Sebastian in la “Kontxa”. The race takes place on the first two weekends of September and it gather more than 100.000 people, many dressed in the colors of their team, and the best 8 rowing of the Bay of Biscay. It was first held in 1879 and has been celebrated consequently with the exception of the war years. Undoubtedly is the most important sporting event held in the Basque country, if we consider the number of spectators who come to see them competing. In 2007 women’s competition was held for the first time.

The bay is crowded of people looking for the best place to see the race and there are some who prefer to see it from the hillsides overlooking the bay. Others followed the race from their boats, from recreational to fishing boats which come from nearby ports to add the final color and sound with their flags, horns and whistles. The streets of San Sebastian and especially the Old Town become the hub where the “experts” predict the possible outcomes. A lot of people bets who will be the winner or how many seconds will shave and this day this is the conversation throughout the city.


La concha regatta has a different format and instead of having four lengths and three bends it only has two lengths and one bend which it is located once passed Santa Clara island. Even so, the regatta has the same length, 3 nautical miles. The Thursday before the first weekend there is a qualifying regatta where more than 20 teams take part and classified 8 teams. Then on Sunday the 8 boats are divided into two groups of four at random and then on the second Sunday the two batches are formed according to the time of the first Sunday. So the winner is the boat which scores the best time adding up both times.

The number of oarsmen inside the boat is the same, the only change is the length and the rules, because they haven’t got any limit with the amount of own oarsmen as it happens in the league. What is really particular is to see the boats passing next to Santa Clara island and the good atmosphere in the ramp after the regatta when the boats arrive. Everybody is encouraging their team, some because they have won and others to cheer up. But what always win here it´s the spectacle and the nice atmosphere among supporters.

The most awarded team in this race is Orio “aguiluchos” with 31 flags, a little fishing town next to San Sebastian. They are followed by San Pedro with 15 and Donostia with 14. Historically the teams from Gipuzkoa had been stronger but in the last years Biscayans teams are winning the race.

Legendary tradition

The tradition of this singular boat race called traineras regattas comes from a distinctive way of life: open sea fishing. The boats need strong men capable for rowing for hours on end to the fishing grounds. And after catching the fish they have to return as fast as possible to get the fish to market before the other boats and sell it in the best price.

Then with the years the strength of the men was replaced by the motor power, but for years rowing competitions continued to be closely linked to fishing. The best oarsmen came from the best fishing crews of the coast. Now the oarsmen are athletes who come from all type of athletic background but still are enlisted to teams from villages with long fishing traditions.


La concha was organized for the first time in 1879 as part of San Sebastian´s summer events program. The boats which take part were fishing traineras, which until that time had been used in competitions of force between fishing crews making bets. The first boat winning the race was a trainera called “Avante” and there were so many people that they added the race to the next summer events program until today. With the exception of civil war years the regatta has been celebrated consequently.

My team in La Concha

My team, Deustuko arraun taldea, has took part three times in the qualifying regatta  in 2009, 2010 and 2011 with modest outcomes. This year Deusto has not participated in the regatta because we were fighting to save the category and we had to row the weekend after this regatta the play off, only if we didn´t get in the last position in the league. So we weren´t interested in getting tired. Ultimately we got in the last position so we didn´t take part in the play off to save the category, because we descend directly, neither the qualifying regatta. But this year we are going to win the league and we will return to the ARC-1 league obtaining the chance to take part again in this qualifyin race.


Some nice pictures here:
A report about la concha in Canal Plus:


Kontxako Bandera. (2009).Wikipedia, the free encloycopedia. Retrieved from:

Bandera de la Concha. (2012.).Wikipedia, the free encloycopedia. Retrieved from:

Donostia/San Sebastian. (n.d.). Retrieved from:

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Erasmus programme

December 13, 2012 2 comments

I have decided to talk about Erasmus Programme because it is especially important for us, university students in our second course. Erasmus provides a work placement abroad as part of our degree which is undoubtedly a great opportunity. The fact that these placements are taken as part of our academic background makes the programme a “must” for every one of us.

To participate in this program there are some requirements that we, students, have to fulfill in order to enjoy the benefits that it offers. To begin with, students must have completed the first year of their degree and passed all the subjects, or at least not having more than 2 subjects failed from the first course. They will also have to pass a previous language exam (English, French or Italian) in order to certificate minimum C1 level.

Erasmus has also developed different institutions to help carry out this systems, the most remarkable development is Erasmus Student Network (ESN) which has been available since 1990 supporting and developing student exchange. It works among more than 36 European countries which create a flexible educational environment and establish intercultural contacts. ESN encourages students to study abroad and live new experiences in new environments and get to know different cultures. It is a very valuable institution because it cares about every student, today there are more than 150.000 members. This institution supports any aid that international students may need in their new surroundings, not only in the educational issues, but also in cultural and social matters which play an important role in the integration of the student.

Everyone on the educational field will recommend any student to live this experience not only from the academic point of view, but also from a personal perspective. Applicants should not reject unique opportunities Erasmus offers because its advantages make the whole experience of a lifetime, unforgettable in every sense.

The truth is that people usually see the positive aspects more easily, like meeting new people, new places, learning a foreign language, new ways of living… but at the same time, it can be also quite scary.  It is mainly the first time living on our own, family and friends are far away and at first everything is new and a bit strange around us. Those things can seem frightening at first, but certainly every university student should consider joining the programme.

Unfortunately, the financial crisis we are suffering in Europe has also affected the Erasmus programme. Many countries including Spain have experienced a cut down on the budget for Erasmus students and this has seriously affected many families who would love their sons and daughter to take part in the programme though are currently unable to afford it themselves. Nevertheless there are still some grants to provide this fantastic educational experience.

To conclude, young people have to overcome new difficulties in order to integrate in the labor market as a consequence of this terrible global crisis that I have previously mentioned which we all suffer so deeply. Erasmus students may take some advantage than other because having taken part in the programme will influence positively both their CVs and their personal lives. From a personal perspective, Erasmus means being away from home and family and friends. It also implies meeting new people, making new friends and having a sense of independence which will help us mature as adult people. Little more can be said of this wonderful experience that it is waiting for us next year.


-Cristina Nuta (2007) The advantages of being an Erasmus student. Retrieved from

-Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

-European Comission Education and training  (2011)

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Musika eta Opera

December 13, 2012 Leave a comment

musica ciclicaMusika soinuak eta isiluneak koherentziaz ordenatzen dituen teknika da. Melodikoki, harmonikoki eta erritmikoki antolatu daiteke. Produktu kultural modura kontsidera daiteke. Musika egiteko hainbat forma daude. Ezagunenak, instrumentuen edo giza ahotzaren bidezkoak dira. Guztiak ere, pertsona batek eraginda.

Musika ikasketak normalean txikitan hasten dira. Umea, bost edo sei urterekin, instrumentu bat jotzen hasten da. Solfeoko 6 urte eta instrumentuko 8 egin ondoren, instrumentu hau jotzen dakiela esan dezakegu. Baina instrumentuak jotzea ez da gauza erraza. Oso ohikoa da esatea, eta txarto esana, gainera, “Peiok pianoa jotzen daki” edo “Mirenek oso ondo abesten du”, hauek 7 bat urte dituztela. Baina orduan, zer da instrumentu bat jotzen jakitea?

Adituek instrumentu bat jotzen jakitea honi buruzko teknikak ezagutzea duela esaten dute. Historia musikala ezagutzea ere esanguratsua da musikari bati musikari titulazioa emateko.

Ezohikoa baderit


zogu ere, ahotsa instrumentu bat da. Instrumentu naturala. Eta oso saila maneiatzen ikastea ere. Instrumentu berri bat erabiltzen hasten garenean (oraindik ezin da esan jotzen dakigunik) zerotik hasten gara. Ez dakigu ezer instrumentu horri buruz. Askotan, ez dakigu ezer ezta musikari buruz ere. Baina ahotsa lantzen hasten garenean, oso bide luzea daukagu atzetik (eta aurretik). Guztiok abestu izan dugu noiz edo noiz, jakin zein jakin ez. Beraz, ahotsaren ikasketak dakiguna hobetzean datza. Eta hemen dago koska.

Kantua kontrolatutako emisioen emana da, giza ahotsaren bidez. Oso inportantzia handia dauka musika arloan, hau baita modalitate bakarra non testua sartu dakioken melodiari.

Teknika ezberdinak daude kantuaren arloan; lirikoa, opera, musikala edota kontzertukoa. Baina badaude ere musika popularra abesteko erabiltzen diren kantu metodoak. Gu musika klasikoan zentratuko gara: Gizonezko ahotsak, emakumeenak bezala, hiru zatitan banatzen dira: tenor
ra, baritonoa eta baxua. Emakumeena, berriz, soprano, mezzosoprano eta kontraltoan banatzen dira.

Kanturako obrak asko dira. Bai bakarlari, zein abesbatzarako, asko dira. Operak (italieraz, obra musikala) 1650. urte inguruan sortu ziren. Opera bat abestutako antzezlana da. Orkestra batek, abeslariek, poesiak, balet dantzariek eta eszenografikoek (iluminazioa eta makillajea barne) osatzen dute opera normal bat.

013_the-traviata-verdi_theredlistLa Traviata izan da gozatu ahal izan dudan azken opera. Giuseppe Verdik konposatu zuen 1850. urte inguruan. Hiru akto ezberdinetan dago banatuta, non aurkezpena, mamia eta amaiera azaltzen diren. Protagonista baten inguruan (sopranoa, kasu honetan) datza drama osoa; Violeta Valery.

  • Lehenengo aktoan Violetaren etxea ikusten da. Luxu handiko jai bat ospatzen da, non sexua inportantzia handia daukan. Violeta mutil batekin maitemintzen da; Alfredo. Baina Alfredo beste neska batekin dago konprometituta. Violetaren ezbeharra hemen hasten da.
  • Bigarren aktoan Alfredo eta bere aitaren arteko liskarra ikusten da. Violetarekin maiteminduta dago, baina beste neskarekin konprometitua ere bai. Baina Violeta oso gaixotasun larri bat dauka, eta hilzorian aurkitzen da.
  • Hirugarren aktoan ikusten da gaixotasun hau. Tuberkulosia aurrera doa eta ohean dago, bere azken orduak sufritzen. Azkenean Alfredo bueltatzen da berarekin egoteko, baina Violeta bere besoetan hiltzen da.

Musikarekin estuen lotzen nauen soka opera da, koroko modalitatea bigarren postuan utziz. Musikaren ikasketek inportantzia handia izan dute nire haurtzaroan. Musika klasikoari buruzko informazio gehiago ikasten dudan heinean, gehiago gustatzen zait. Entzun eta ikusten dena ulertzea ezinbestekoa dela deritzot. Eta behin ulertuta, honen kritika egin daitekeela uste dut, baina ez arinago.

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