
Posts Tagged ‘Cinema of China’

Spring Subway

Las Fuentes seleccionadas para nuestro trabajo sobre cine chino y en concreto la película Spring Subway (primavera en el metro) son relevantes porque cada una de las personas que hemos recogido son grandes conocedores de la materia.

Por ejemplo Paul Clark ha escrito sobre cine chino y sobre la cultura y la política de este país desde mediados del siglo XX y es profesor de Estudios históricos y críticos en la Universidad de Brighten. Es un historiador especializado en la cultura china y cree en el cine como una posibilidad fantástica de expresar sentimientos, tradiciones culturales e ideas, lo que nos ayuda a acercarnos a una cultura diferente a la nuestra.

También cabe destacar a Yingjin Zhang profesor de literatura china comparada y cine en la Universidad de Indiana. Su opinión es relevante porque además de ser nativo chino tiene un amplio conocimiento acerca de las nuevas tendencias en este país en cuanto al cine.

Ying Zhu co-autor del libro “Art, politics, and commerce in Chinese cinema” es profesor de Cultura en Nueva York gran conocedor de la cultura china y autor del libro ”Chinese cinema during the era of reform: the ingenuity of the system”

Por otro lado, Sheila Cornellius junto con Ian Haydin han escrito el libro ”New Chinese cinema: challenging representations”. La primera ha dado conferencias sobre cine chino en Londres, mientras El segundo es un escritor y crítico de cine, además de editor de “International Film Guide” y coeditor de “Wallflower Press’s” relacionadas con el cine.

Consideramos importante la opinió de estos expertos para lograr que nuestro trbajo sea más riguroso.

Referencias de BibTeX

  1. Clark, P. Chinese cinema: culture and politics since 1949. Cambridge University Press, 1987. BibTeX[clark1987chinese]
  2. Zhang, Y. Chinese national cinema. Routledge, 2004. BibTeX [zhang2004chinese]
  3. Zhu, Y. Chinese cinema during the era of reform: the ingenuity of the system. Praeger, 2003. BibTeX[zhu2003chinese]
  4. Cornelius, S and Smith, IH. New Chinese cinema: challenging representations. Wallflower, 2002. BibTeX[cornelius2002new]

Yingjin Zhang, Spring Subway and Chinese cinema

February 28, 2012 1 comment

 The sources selected when describing the movie Spring Subway, have been all written by people who know about the subject of Chinese cinema.  Yingjin Zhang, who wrote the book Chinese national cinema, is an Associate Professor of Chinese, Comparative Literature, and Film Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington, so not only is he Chinese, but knows about literature and film studies, being his point of view of much interest when we talk about the new genres arousing in Chinese cinema.

He received his M.A. from the University of Iowa in 1987 and Ph.D. in comparative literature from Stanford University in 1992. Before joining the UC San Diego faculty in 2001, he taught at Indiana University in Bloomington, where he was honored with an Outstanding Junior Faculty Award in 1996. He served as President of the American Association of Chinese Comparative Literature in 1993-94 and received, among others, a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the University of Michigan in 1995-96, a Summer Faculty Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities in 1999, a Pacific Cultural Foundation Research Grant (Taipei) in 2000, a Fulbright China Research Fellowship in 2003-04, and a UC Humanities Research Institute Fellowship (Irvine) in 2005. He also taught at the University of Chicago, Nanjing University (China), and Shanghai Jiaotong U (China) as a visiting professor.

As our Wikipedia article is going to be about a Chinese movie, we consider it important to have people who are deeply implied in the concept of Chinese cinema, which is the case of all the authors cited above.
